To provide accountability, the budget proposals should be sub-divided by entity/purpose. Mariance analysis is the budgeting review technique universally applied for analyzing budgeting estimates. The lack of effective communication between treasury, which uses a cash-based budget execution system, and line agencies, which maintain their own accounting records (normally on accrual basis), leads to problems in reconciling expenditure data. In some countries, one single department may be responsible for both treasury management and accounting functions (which may be discharged by different divisions/units within the same department). These procedures also lead to significant differences between fiscal accounts and financing data (i.e., between above- and below-the-line data).38, Austrian. For example, in the United States mandatory or entitlement programs, such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and certain other programs are not controlled by annual appropriations, except for the requirement to show a corresponding increase or decrease in the costs of these programs due to any envisaged changes. It forms aggregate demand in addition to household consumption, business investment, and net exports. The common practice was for lines of credit to be given to line ministries/agencies to spend against accounts in local banks. The expenditure cycle and associated controls in Lusophone African countries34 are quite similar to the control framework in Francophone systems, but there are a few key differences. Following confirmation that sufficient liquidity is available, a designated official approves the payment and issues a payment order. Payment. The contralora hence maintains overall control of budget execution. It will also usefully guide technical assistance work related to modernization of government budget execution and expenditure control systems, including the design and implementation of IT-based financial management information systems. Mainly commitment, verification, payment order and payment stages, but also at other stages. Both the central agency/finance ministry and line agencies are involved in various tasks during the expenditure cycle. In many countries each appropriation is the subject of a separate vote by the legislature. Section 3. No cash availability to make payments within the time horizon of apportionment. In Francophone and Lusophone systems, such wide ranging responsibilities are not provided to spending agencies and various departments of the ministry of finance play a major role at key stages of the expenditure cycle. These include appropriation control, commitment control, and accounting control. Manual processing controls: Key manual processing controls for purchasing, payment, and confirmation of receipt of goods and services are performed outside the typical information systems (e.g., FMIS) environment and should be subject to periodic internal control checks and audit. Limit on amount of expenditure. While the answer to this question will depend on specific country context and weaknesses, in general caution should be exercised in the devolution of controls in countries that are at the initial stage of development of PFM systems (e.g., fragile states), or with weak capacity at line agencies to implement the required controls, and/or without strong institutions of ex post oversight (internal and external audit). Sequestering (or gel/rgulation budgtaire in Francophone tradition) is the blocking of appropriations by the ministry of finance. For example, the Social Security Act requires the government to provide payments to beneficiaries based on the amount of money they've earned and other factors. 2. This is mainly prevalent in Austria, Germany, and partially in some neighboring countries. For similar examples, see also R. Allen et al, The Evolving Functions and Organization of Finance Ministries, IMF Working Paper WP/15/232 (2015). Doe, L., S. Pattanayak, 2008, Financial Control in African Countries, Public Financial Management Technical Guidance Note, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). The purpose of apportionment is to prevent spending agencies from incurring obligations at a rate which would require the authorization of additional funds for the fiscal year in progress.8 Once expenditure authorization is in place, it is apportioned for specific periods and/or specific spending units. International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), Guidelines for Internal Control in the Public Sector, Conceptual Design: A Critical Element of a Government Financial Management Information System Project, Accrual Budgeting; Opportunities and Challenges, Role of the Legislature in the Budget Process, A Comparison Between Two Public Expenditure Management Systems in Africa, Systemic Weaknesses of Budget Management in Anglophone Africa, Public Expenditure Management in Francophone Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Managing Public Expenditure: A Reference Book for Transition Countries, Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments, Treasury Single Account: An Essential Tool for Government Cash Management, Chart of Accounts: A Critical Element of the Public Financial Management Framework, Public Sector Governance and Accountability Series, II. Some countries PFM systems explicitly recognize all or most of the above stages and track them through a budgetary accounting system, while others formally track only a few of them.16 For example, the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries track all seven stages and the Francophone countries track at least six stages (the reservation stage or engagement budgtaire is also sometimes tracked). Broadly speaking, it exists not only in the United Kingdom, but also in Australia, New Zealand, Indian sub-continent, and many countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean that were former British colonies. Ideally, the FMIS should have, in addition to the usual transaction processing function, a consolidation feature or module that receives periodic data from relevant entities, carries out consolidation of data in accordance with relevant standards, and generates required management reports for control purposes. The payment-authorizing officer, called the Ordonnateur, is separate from the financial controller. For example, the UK uses the employer cost cap mechanism to control future pension spending. They maintain systems of internal control, and regularly report to the ministry of finance and other central agencies on their financial operations. Types of Spending 1. This control is a key element of the overall cash management system. Payment order. The authority for expenditure is These stages are: 1. An overview. Three of the seven stages (commitment, verification, and payment) involve a third party (a creditor, supplier, beneficiary, etc.) Government expenditure is vital in influencing the economy. Commitment approval delinked from apportionment and cash management frameworks. Reservation. Overall authority and responsibility for budget execution are assigned to the respective line minister who delegates this up to the stage of payment order. The paper also examines the influence of different administrative traditions on types of expenditure controls, including the authority and responsibility of various institutional actors. Radev, D., and P. Khemani, 2009, Commitment Controls, Technical Notes and Manuals, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). The first and each subsequent actuarial valuation report includes valuation results for the purposes of measuring changes in the cost of the pension scheme against the employer cost cap, expressed as a percentage of pensionable pay. Authorized purpose of the expenditure. Warrants/allotments are not used as a cash rationing tool. For multiannual programs/projects, the approved budget includes both the multiannual commitment limits (autorisations dengagement or AE) against which it also sets annual limits (crdits de paiement or CP) for cash payments during the year. As these countries transitioned to market-based economies, they established centralized treasury departments under the finance ministry to process payments and exercise control at the payment stage. Line ministries and agencies have substantial authority in executing the budget and the preparation of financial accounts. Once the apportionment of expenditure authorization is made and the spending authority has been released, some countries PFM systems include a stage at which funds are reserved for a specific known expense but for which no contract has yet been issued. Payment order. Most budget execution control operations are delegated to the line ministries. The line agencies have responsibility for executing their budget and managing the funds/ resources assigned to them. Commitment limits may be multi-year in nature (usually for capital projects) and carried over from one financial year to the next, while cash expenditure limits are usually set for the budget year. Francophone and Lusophone. The key reforms include development of expenditure plans by line agencies and submission of these plans to the ministry of finance for decision on apportionment, and preparation of reliable cash flow forecasts to serve as the basis for apportionment. The defining characteristic of an expenditure at the verification stage is that a liability has been incurred. Key strengths: line agencies directly accountable for the use/control of their appropriations; and no complementary period. Expenditure not appropriated/authorized by the start of fiscal year. The introduction of an FMIS can thus strengthen expenditure controls as the system can replace several key controls that were previously applied manually and systematically track them. The allocation of responsibility to various actors in the exercise of expenditure controls is heavily influenced by their respective administrative traditions of PFM and level of development. In some countries, a powerful accounting organization (. This information is then used for preparing the baseline estimates of the detailed medium-term budget forecast. By managing its portfolio of debt, it can affect interest rates, and by deciding on the amount of new money injected into the economy . In cases where the expenditure involves a previous ongoing contract (e.g., wages, utilities, rent, debt service) or statutory obligation (e.g., transfers to subnational governments, payments of household benefits, etc. In cases where the expenditure is subject to a previous ongoing contract (e.g., wages, utilities, rent, debt service) or statutory obligation (e.g., transfers to subnational governments), an estimate of obligation to pay should be made and treated as a commitment. PFM Traditions Influencing the Expenditure Control Framework, Tradition in the former Soviet Union countries, V. Identifying Weaknesses in the Expenditure Control Systems, Weaknesses of different expenditure control systems, Diagnosing weaknesses in a particular country, Specific measures to address expenditure control weaknesses, Monitoring reform progress and managing the change,, Prevention and Management of Government Arrears, Conceptual Design: A Critical Element of a Successful Government Financial Management Information System Project, Implementing Accrual Accounting in the Public Sector, Unorthodox Expenditure Procedures in CEMAC and WAEMU Countries, Liberia: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment, Republic of Mozambique: Technical Assistance Report on Regaining Control Over Budget Execution, 19 A Comparison Between Two Public Expenditure Management Systems in Africa, North Macedonia: Technical Assistance Report - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Performance Assessment, Republic of Mozambique: Strategy for Restoring the Expenditure Chain and Improving Financial Programming, Mauritius: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment, Niger: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment, Public Financial Management Systems - Indonesia: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective, Governance Brief No. Under commitment-based budgeting systems, there is a need to separately track and account for both expenditure commitments and payments, liquidate the latter against the former during the course of the budget year, and carry unused commitment appropriations between years. As a result, progress stalled and the reform was not pursued further. A payment order is an authorization for payment (usually against a bill or invoice) made by officials of line ministries, other spending agencies, or the ministry of finance. Certain sums may be spent under permanent rather than annual legislation. Tailored financial services and climate risk management tools to link small farmers to markets, The Real Actors and the PMP (Policymaking Process), Housing Finance in Chile: Instruments, Actors, and Policies, The Political Economy of Productivity: Actors, Arenas and Policymaking, How Democracy Works: Political Institutions, Actors and Arenas in Latin American Policymaking, Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America: Relevant Actors and Policies, Urban Heritage Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Task for All Social Actors, Public Financial Management in Latin America: The Key to Efficiency and Transparency, Costa Rica: The Next Stage-Reform without Volatility; A Report, Who Decides on Public Expenditures? No verification/certification system (i.e., payment orders issued without verification). Under accrual budgeting systems, there can be differences in both the choice of binding constraint and the fungibility of other constraints. Identifying gaps and weaknesses in expenditure control in a particular country requires a systematic review of the integrity of the expenditure cycle, looking at: Definition/specification of key stages of the expenditure cycle, including the control criteria. When the float of unpaid checks is significant, payments should also be reported on the basis of checks encashed/paid. Evidence since the second world war, says Chen of HKU, shows that "the higher the government's control of a country's economy, the lower the role for private consumption in its economic . fiscal policy. The nature of the expenditure limit enforced at each stage depends on the accounting basis used in the budget appropriation framework.19 Specifically: Cash-based budgeting systems primarily enforce a limit on the accumulation and liquidation of cash obligations incurred during the budget year. Government expenditures as a share of national output went sharply up and down in these countries, mainly because of changes in defense spending and national incomes. For example, in France, autorisation dengagement authorizes commitment for an investment operation that may entail payments over a multi-year period, while crdit de paiement limits the actual payments during the budget year subject to the overall limit under the respective autorisation dengagement (see Box 3). To centralize cash management, all government cash transactions should go through a TSA system (with a set of accounts linked to a top account). In cases where a centralized payment system has been established, the individual spending units may prepare the payment orders electronically and submit them to the central unit/treasury for payment through a Financial Management Information System (FMIS). For example, there could be standing legislation for entitlement programs,7 servicing of debt, or payment of subscriptions to international organizations, which provides permanent legal authority to incur such expenditure subject to meeting specified parameters or criteria. Reports from the central bank, based on bank payments data classified by bank code (a compressed form of the budget/accounts classification) provided the only basis for in-year control of budget implementation. A Diagnostic Framework to Assess the Capacity of a Government's Financial Management Information System as a Budget Management Tool, Rwanda Nutrition Expenditure and Institutional Review 2020. Sweden has a separate debt management agency which also administers the TSA system. In general, relatively advanced countries have moved further in the direction of devolving their expenditure control systems than developing countries, but this is not true in all countries. It may also have a role in appropriation and commitment controls through its representatives posted in spending agencies (as in Francophone systems). Where centralized payment and/or payroll systems exist, they may also be responsible for authorizing payment orders and/or making payments. Key Stages of Expenditure Control Framework, Seven key stages of the expenditure cycle, III. Broader PFM and enforcement issues affecting budget execution and expenditure control. To be able to exercise upfront control over the future resource requirements related to pensions, countries implementing accrual budgeting (e.g., the UK, Australia and New Zealand) include the accruing cost and any unfunded liabilities of pension schemes17 within budgetary limits for each government department.18. Inordinate delay in issuance of spending authority to line agencies. 4. Control of procurement: Significant public spending takes place through the public procurement system. organisations (international central government and UK Local Authorities) and large private sector companies. 1All uses of public funds should be governed by financial regulations. However, this may not be true when only a commitment has been incurred but the government does yet have a liability because, for example, the goods and services have not yet been supplied. Percentage of reserved amount that materializes as commitment; and average time lag between reservation and commitment. In addition, they may impose limits on accumulation of cash obligations, multi-year commitments, and long-term obligations (such as pensions) and contingent liabilities (such as guarantees). It also proposes some indicatorsmainly based on the PEFA frameworkthat could be used to assess reform progress. That leaves just 20 to 30 percent of expenditures that are discretionary and can be changed in the government's annual budget. The descriptions of the various traditions provided below are broad and general, and in practice, there are variations among the countries belonging to each tradition. Despite their different administrative origins, there has been some convergence between various expenditure control systems in recent years. Georgia Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Performance Assessment Report: City of Batumi. Allen, R., and others, 2015, The Evolving Functions and Organization of Finance Ministries, Working Paper WP/15/232 (Washington: International Monetary Fund). General Services: This is what constitutes the hierarchical and risk-based control (control modul de la dpense) that Morocco has started to implement since 2008 (based on Decree n 207-1235 of November 4, 2008). This will be dependent on sustained improvements in financial management standards and management information, and assurance of a control-conscious culture in each agency. PEFA PI-22; and average time lag between delivery and verification. the use of taxes, government spending, and government transfers to stabilize an economy; the word . The lack of a comprehensive and credible budget particularly affects the authorization (as the expenditure authority is not realistic), commitment (as ongoing/outstanding commitments are not adequately allocated for) and verification (as the accumulated liabilities are not fully reflected in the budget) stages. The key questions to be asked are: (i) whether there are clear laws and financial regulations regarding the controls and the authority and responsibility of relevant actors who should apply them; and (ii) whether the relevant actors understand and apply them in practice. Commitment. KUALA LUMPUR, March 1 The government still has space to monitor the country's expenditure particularly development expenditure to ensure it is more prudent and accurate according to the project plans and this will indirectly assist the government in terms of better revenue needs. Also called "social capital," they include spending on physical assets like roads, bridges, hospital buildings, and equipment. Reforms to address budget execution issues might require clarifying budget execution procedures, introducing or upgrading an FMIS, improving budget warrant/allotment system, establishing commitment control, strengthening cash management, introducing accrual accounting, etc. The apportionment process is critical to ensuring that expenditure totals are respected and any virements or claims on the contingency reserve are reflected in the revised allocation of appropriations. Key challenges: need for sufficiently strong capacity in line agencies to implement the required controls (a challenge in fragile states); dispersed expenditure data could make timely financial reporting difficult; and lack of strong oversight (e.g., internal and external audit) and sanctions for non-compliance may create opportunities for fraudulent transactions. A centralized accounting organization (usually called Accountant General) is responsible for making payments and keeping accounting records. Some of the countries have internal audit agencies under the ministry of finance, but they have no financial control role. var _paq = window._paq || []; Transactions undertaken using exceptional procedures often end up being registered in suspense accounts that are rarely cleared due to lack of budget cover and are neither properly tracked nor reported. The usual goals of both fiscal and monetary policy are to achieve or maintain full employment, to achieve or maintain a high rate of . While the controls may be well specified and the roles and responsibilities of the key actors clarified in a countrys legal/regulatory framework, problems may still arise due to lack of enforcement. Expenditures at the verification stage are sometimes called accrued expenditures (e.g., in the US), accounts payable, or actual expenses. A full understanding of the budget planning and preparation system is essential, not just to derive expenditure projections but to be able to advise policymakers on the feasibility and desirability of specific budget proposals, from a macroeconomic or microeconomic perspective. A distinction can be made between the treatment of high value and risk-prone transactions vis--vis low value transactions. Government Spending: Giveth Some, Taketh Some. Bank-Qualified Municipal Bonds Marketplace Fairness and RTPA State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT) PolicyStatements Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Budgeting and Financial Management Intergovernmental Relations and Federal Fiscal Policy Public Employee Pension and Benefits Administration To ensure these objectives are met, government expenditures typically go through seven stylized stages4 between authorization by the legislature and payment to the final beneficiary (Figure 4). The authorization for expenditure is usually given through the budget law which defines the time horizon for, limits on,5 purpose of, and administrative unit accountable for government expenditure (Box 1).6 To deal with unanticipated spending pressures, some flexibility in the allocation of expenditure between sectors may be allowed subject to clear rules/criteria (e.g., through virements and/or allocation from a contingency reserve). Once a payment order has been issued, payments are made through various instruments including checks, electronic fund transfer (EFT), and sometimes cash, in favor of a supplier or other recipient to discharge the liability. Nonetheless, recent theoretical and empirical evidence supports a mixed relationship between these variables. Government expenditure has ballooned over the years. (function() { Since commitments usually mature as payments, their control is an essential part of overall expenditure control and prevention of expenditure arrears.11 A commitment does not mean that a payment will necessarily be made within the same fiscal year. Khan, A., and M. Pessoa, 2010, Conceptual Design: A Critical Element of a Government Financial Management Information System Project, Technical Notes and Manuals (Washington: International Monetary Fund). Expenditures authorized through standing/ permanent legislations are forecast and included in the budget documents. An appropriation is defined as a sub-division of a government budget established for accountability purposes, which shows the amounts legally authorized to be spent for specific purposes in a specific time period. At the same time, centralization has the disadvantage of: (i) undermining spending responsibilities of managers in line agencies in the day-to-day management of line ministries/agencies budgets; (iii) inefficient decision-making (including superimposed prioritization) and rigid controls by the ministry of finance when it lacks the detailed information on the spending requirements of agencies;26 and (iv) presenting opportunities for rent seeking by officials implementing multiple and cumbersome controls. Payments authorized in annual budget do not fully reflect commitments carried forward from previous years (e.g., investment projects contracts). The authority for expenditure is given for a specific pre-defined purpose. Authorization of expenditure. As these countries transitioned to market-based economies in the 1990s and early 2000s, and steps were taken to establish independent central banks, separate monetary policy from management of government liquidity, and reduce fiscal dominance over the banking sector, it was obvious that corresponding changes had to be made in the fiscal institutions responsible for budget execution and control. Countries, a powerful accounting organization ( usually called Accountant General ) is types of government expenditure control of. Prevalent in Austria, Germany, and government transfers to stabilize an economy ; the word this be... For budget execution of procurement: significant public spending takes place through the public procurement.. Projects contracts ) result, progress stalled and the reform was not pursued further execution are assigned to ministry. Vis -- vis low value transactions: significant public spending takes place through the public procurement system low... 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