However, as a novice, I often would rush into situations before planning the entire treatment session out . 11:45 MV: I think it will definitely happen down the future. 03:06 MV: So I really started to focus on doing some internships with sports companies, actually doing an internship globally in the UK outside of the US at this university in England, about an hour north of London called Loughborough, which is pretty well known for sports. They can identify physical and cognitive strengths and make connections between personal strengths and achievements (WS8). So, theyve kind of come together to get a warehouse, and they have different machines, 3D printers, 3D scanners, sewing machines, everything you can imagine, and kind of donated in a very communal way that people wanna work on their projects or their hobbies, and can build stuff. Sorry, if I went on for too long. They tend to be subjective in form with occasions for bias. Generally physical education is all about movement and doing, but to accommodate for the students that may not learn/remember as well through movement, allowing them to take notes, or give different associations for the students to remember may help. The Documents to Include in Your Portfolio Included inside your portfolio should be professional documents, education and training you've received, activities and volunteer work you've done in the community, and any personal interests that might be relevant to the position you're applying for. 18:27 MV: Yes, absolutely. That definitely appeals to me, and I As I mentioned, my first 3D printing experience was just the other day. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Notation for Rational Numbers, Fractions & Decimals. 09:19 MV: Absolutely. That being said, everything you see me do here is exactly how I do it in Google Drive using the macOS app. Lotta Nieminen 3. 10+ Portfolio Essay Examples 1. The portfolio serves the double purpose of helping them to consolidate their learning and allowing them to demonstrate how far they've come. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. However, I found that doing so just slowed down the process of organizing evidence into a students portfolio. Apps like Seesaw along with platforms like Google Classroom are making is easier and easier for teachers to keep up-to-date portfolios even in the organized chaos of a universe that is physical education. Integrated portfolios may demonstrate connections between two or more subjects, such as math and science, or history and literature. Ill copy thedescription from the file name (e.g. Personal Fitness Challenge Score Card 5. A andy vasily Physical Education Curriculum Teaching Technology A student portfolio is a comprehensive, ongoing collection of work samples, projects, and other supporting bodies of evidence that demonstrate a student's present level of educational performance and serves as an assessment tool. 01:04 JR: Thanks for coming along, and I mean for a little bit of a background story for those people that are just tuning in. Assessment occurs in a natural setting with meaningful, real-time learning tasks. So do you mind sharing your background and how youre involved in this sort of world? And that remix culture that exists in 3D printing, is that just gonna continue? . And for me it was like a kid in the candy store, it was the place where undergrads and graduate students and professors came together to explore and work on problems in sports, with athletes, with equipment and things like that, and that was really my first introduction to really think about, Hey, there could actually be a career designing baseball bats or designing shoes. I hadnt thought about that in the past and then it kind of clicked for me, its like, Someones gotta be designing the equipment that athletes are using on the field, and Im like, How do I become one of those people?. The app will let you know when new episodes go LIVE & allow you to listen to all of the episodes while on the go. Ill then rename each folder until every student within that grade/class has their own. All in all, there are a lot of different reasons why maintaining student portfolios is a valuable process. Student Portfolio 1. The other thing that I wanted to touch on is, cost saving, is it likely that eventually as the demand increases, and innovation pushes things forward that things could become more affordable to print and produce because of the 3D printers? Consider including a table of contents, as well as learning goals that may align directly with district objectives. In this blog post, Im going to show you how I create/maintain my student portfolios. This version includes searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials. Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation & Requirement | What is CCE? 1 Learn the best ways to organize and assemble student portfolios. However, the portfolio is not a self-contained course project. Its a challenge, and 3D printing sounds like it has [chuckle] an ability to address that in many ways. This full picture of the student assists teachers when developing learning opportunities and tracking progress. So its called 3D Printing Reports, but I still do a lot of stuff in sports. For example, a writing portfolio may exhibit a student's written work across genres and demonstrate proficiency in designated components of writing. Teaching Portfolio Examples To Showcase Your Talents Topic: Professional Development Grades: Elementary School, High School, Middle School: Career Advice 12 Teaching Portfolio Examples That Will Get You Hired Put your best foot forward. 35 Inspiring Graphic Design Portfolio Examples 1. Overhand Throwing Initial Initial) and then continue renaming the evidence files by typing the students name and pasting the description (this saves a ton of typing time). Im not some kind of G Suite for Education guru and really dont pretend to be (youd be better off checking out Adam Llevos website if youre looking for amazing ideas related to GAFE in physical education). I have a love of children, and there are many . The Student Portfolio Series 1 is designed for middle school students. For example, my current grade six class has a folder titled Class of 2017 since they are graduating from the elementary school this year. The hard drive worked great, except that my life was now lived in fear of anything happening to it. I want to be able to show my students that there are so many ways out there to become and stay physically active. My website is called and it has a little bit about what I do and some videos about the sports specific work that Ive done as well. Ill do this until there are no more files in the desktop folder and then Ill delete that empty folder. The easiest way to listen to The PE Geek Podcast is via our dedicated mobile app, which you can download for FREE foriPhone/iPad & Android. 27:03 JR: Thanks heaps for deciding to come onto the podcast today and sharing everything you know about 3D printing and its implications in the physical education space. For example, I might name a video of a student named Joeys kicking at the beginning of our foot skills unit Joey Overhand ThrowingInitial. Students can use paper to create and print text documents . A. While some teachers prefer a student . Well, that lasted about a week before my computer ran out of storage. I feel like its a lifeline. Check out how I create mine in this monster blog post! Aside from ditching First Class for Gmail (which was amazing), another big benefit was that teachers at St. Georges School of Montreal now have unlimited data storage in their Google Drive. Ok, back to the blog post! Ive gotten countless examples of students using equipment in our school that doesnt suit them, and it might only be applicable to half the group in terms of their size and so many other factors, and that for me is the thing that really excites me. 14:10 MV: But with 3D printing, youre able to create products through design by scanning the hand, scanning the racket, and you have this digital shape where you can mould a grip, or make a grip that you can print and have it ready to go for that athlete makes it so much easier for them to participate, not only enjoy the sport, but perform at a level that theyre happy with. Although Im very open to trying out new tools and work flows, its really important to me that anything I try is aligned with my goal of putting student learning first and that it doesnt become distracting in my learning. It is important students receive these assessment tools prior to developing their portfolio so they have a clear picture of the expectations set by the teacher. Teachers have the ability to choose which parts of the portfolio to assign and students can complete assignments outside of class time. So its really unique in the sense that theyre always pushing product out and kind of like fashion every season, but theyre also really looking at Whats the next material? Write a short plan for how you would incorporate student portfolios into the class. Please refer to the videos below to get a visual example of how to structure your portfolio assessments. 1. There exists gray areas that cannot definitively be graded with a percentage; therefore, grading consistency across the board may be lost. Physical Education Teacher Training: Purpose, Process, and Platform. This model will give the students new ideas of how to become physically active in their futures, especially those who are not into sports. They were just duct taping their hand to the racket, so they could hold on to it, so that wasnt very efficient, and obviously painful [laughter] at the end. The Student Portfolio Series is designed for students to take a deeper look at their health and fitness behaviors through in-class and at-home activities. 27:17 MV: Sure. Lisa Maltby 17. With these tools in hand, Im ready to start going through the evidence. Education Personal Statement Example 1. So, I could see that being an interesting way to teach sports or teach PE where youre not only giving people the rules and kind of letting them experiment with the games and their athletic ability, but saying Hey, this is how the first baseball bat or cricket bat was developed. And then they can actually go out and do it to see how easy or difficult that may be. Professional and Student Portfolios for Physical Education-2nd Edition$9.99(2)Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Kayla Padilla Made With Squarespace Kayla is studying Finance and Management at the University of Pennsylvania. And it was there really that I started to really focus on 3D printing and how it could be applied in sports. Zip. Furthermore, this requires reflection and critical thinking skills that make the portfolio process authentic and real. Activities such as dance and fitness are great for this model also, which brings in yet another unique type of physical activity that many students will learn to enjoy. Also, just a final note, this post if very GIF-heavy. Essentially, portfolios should fulfill the following criteria: Student reflection is an important part of assembling a portfolio. So I would keep an eye out 1n the sports wearables space. Students had the choice to participate in a practical activity and complete a portfolio piece using either a pedometer or heart rate monitor. Dietary Analysis 4. Paper: Paper is the most common material for creating physical portfolios. Now that I am doing a better job at creating my Learning Roadmaps with their four levels of mastery for each unit and have collected a lot of examples of student work/performance, Im going to start creating Anchor Portfolios for the grade-level outcomes we focus on throughout the school year. This document provides general information about the physical education student growth portfolio model and should be used in conjunction with the . Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Ill then repeat this process for each class/grade I teach untileach student I teach has a portfolio that is ready to go! . To archive a portfolio, Ill simply grab all of the folders in a students current portfolio and drag them into their archive folder. This step drives the entire process and gives the student and teacher direction. Here is one of the best student portfolio examples showcasing the power of simplicity. Its one of those things where it brings a level of excitement, gets people excited if you can get a 3D printer into the school or the classroom. What other system makes it possible to accurately monitor and track learning samples and evidence of progress over time? The students must create the portfolios with materials available in class. Google recently released Google Drive File Stream which replaces the old Google Drive app and fixes my issue. PE Central Preschool Research Articles and Resources Free daycare Essays and Papers 123HelpMe June 21st, 2018 - Free daycare papers essays and research papers These results . Youve talked about whether or not a piece of equipment ends up making something easier to use, well, then that obviously translates into a student use as well, and that might actually be the thing that makes it possible for them to learn a skill faster than they had previously learned it. The information offered can help students assume control and take responsibility of their lives. Its been amazing! Student Portfolio Essay Details File Format PDF Size: 216 KB Download 3. Really, the only argument against it is time. Personal portfolios are collections of the individual student's interests at school and home and may contain pictures, collections, awards, and other items that express the student's personality. Also, I still get a lot of assessment done in class through teacher observation and interviews. Both categories get sorted into my portfolios. Attendance Records or Chart (We are legally required to homeschool 180 days. You can see that theres so many devices that are starting to appear in that general setting, and Im really excited to see where that wearable stuff heads up cause it just seems like its the tip of the iceberg in whats possible. 2. Go downloadhere. Did my undergrad at MIT where I was fortunate enough to see or find out that a team-mate of mine on the baseball team was involved in this research group called the Sports Innovation Lab. Having portfolios organized like this helps me customize my teaching to meet my students needs by giving me the insight I need to do so. Safety to myself and others. Inside that folder, Ill create a folder for each class/grade I teach (e.g. Hattie Stewart 13. Lauren Hom 9. We had used these two examples of technology throughout the unit so students were able to use the equipment confidently and independently. She's one of my (other) favorite contemporary authors, so I was delighted to see that her site is also an excellent example of design: Minimalism with personality - The image you see above is exactly what appears when you visit Roxane's site. Original art that demonstrates creativity and originality. Scores generated by peer reviewed student growth portfolios represent 35% of participating teachers LOE within the states TEAM evaluation model in lieu of individual TVAAS scores that teachers in tested courses generate. Physical Education Student Portfolio (SPortfolio- 5th Grade) by Ckb210 4.8 (3) $8.50 PDF The portfolio is a great tool for students to collect their knowledge, self-assessments, goal setting, and written reflections, to enhance their personalized PE experience. Although I could select which files synced with Drive, the process was tedious. Is that something thats likely to happen down the future? I kept them because I thought it was an incredible opportunity to show student growth year-over-year. Over the years, Ive been influenced and inspired by fellow members of the online #physed community. The five steps to compiling a portfolio include: Rubrics or checklists are assessment tools that can be used to evaluate a student's portfolio. The last instructional model I would like to use in my curriculum is the peer teaching model. Joey Feith is the founder of Juliette van Rhyn 10. That being said,share away! Having taught elementary physical education for 10 years, Joey is now focused on helping physical educators grow their confidence and competence as teachers. The Power of Student Portfolios When we think of assessment, it's easy to imagine a test or a rubric attached to a letter grade and a point value. It can be used in conjunction with the FIVE FOR LIFE Intermediate Program. Kelsey Vaughn - English Education. Ive talked to, or Ive seen, a lot of printers go up in schools, and at least the tools for designing being taught. PEC Lesson Plans for Physical Education. Now that youve read all about it, Id love to hear how you think I could be doing a better job at this! Also, use your philosophy as the foundation of your portfolio; include other items that support or enhance your philosophy statement. Critical Reflection Paper (Student Teaching Seminar) Handouts from Professional Development Workshops Staff Meeting notes or handouts Student reflection from The Lesson Plan Analysis and Implementation Observation Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration: The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and 18:52 JR: See, thats exiting for education, too, outside of just PE. The physical education student growth portfolio model was designed through a collaborative partnership of teachers, district leaders, retired teachers, and university employees in 2013 and implemented in 2014. 15:26 MV: Yeah, thats definitely a track that its progressing towards the schools, not quite there yet, but in certain cases, I could imagine specific to PE would be: Times when you have to make replacement parts rather than, things break all the time, whether youre in a manufacturing floor or in the classroom, and its time consuming, and costly to reorder stuff, and you end up having to repair it either to not optimal way. So thats at the moment really being used for top level athletes, but I think theres just as much opportunity at the lower ages as well, because its a different mentality. That means a portfolio could include anything from samples of writing the child has done, tests the student has completed, pictures of the child in the classroom, notes from a teacher about things the child has said or accomplished, self-assessments by a student, and more. Assessment portfolios align with state standards and demonstrate levels of proficiency upon meeting them. So, it could be the collaborative projects for people in design, and tech classes working together to build things for PE. 2. More information Whats on the horizon? So thats a really For me at least, really exciting where you actually get to see things that youre working on in the lab or in research being applied in products in the next season. It is to engage and encourage students to achieve their personal best in a safe and fun environment. A student portfolio serves as a body of evidence to demonstrate a student's strengths and weaknesses, learning growth, and proficiency that may be aligned with state or district standards. So it just opens the door Kicks the door open to see whats gonna happen in the future. With this being said, it is apparent that physical education is just as important to a students education as any other core course. When I asked her about it, she told me she was making something called an Anchor Portfolio. Portfolios will be presented to parents and classmates at their year-end graduation ceremony. Its just gonna take a little bit of time for the research to catch up, and getting that into mass production, and things like that. Due to school policy, I couldnt show you examples of my students work or their portfolio items, so I made up a class list here. Zheng's portfolio is clean yet bold. Student Portfolio Examples A Learning Display When the goal of a student portfolio is to display the learning process for a specific unit of study or across a specific period of time, putting the student in charge of creating the portfolio is a great means to ensure they have buy-in on the process. So since an early age, Ive really, my passion has been in baseball, but I enjoy kind of all sports. 1. A collection of individual goals for the year, selected and updated by students monthly, quarterly, etc. 08:33 JR: It really paints a picture about sport is that thing that really does drive a lot of innovation. Here are items you can include in your portfolio: Your teaching philosophy: keep it short and sweet. Myth 3: Portfolios are a self-contained course project for students to work on independently. The art of analyzing student work when grounded in collaborative thinking, self-reflection, and differentiated instructioncan have a profoundimpacton student academic growth. Travis Stevens - Physical Education. 1. As the unit goes on and I collect more and more evidence (and combine it with my in-class observations), Ill be able to make informed decisions in terms of determining how far a student was able to go in their learning journey throughout the unit. Thats without a doubt. The sport education model should be used because I think students need to learn all of the aspects of sports including the various roles of not only the player, but the score keeper, coach, captain, or referee. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Really excited about that. So even equipment thats designed for kids may not optimally fit them. Here they are along with some examples of what they could look like in physical education: Strategy One: Provide a Clear and Understandable Vision of the Learning Target What is it? I possess several beliefs on the topic of physical education, including its significance in ones life and the value pertaining to a students education. Class 1: Sixth grade students creating a portfolio of their science work over the course of the school year. 6 chapters | 18 Digital Portfolio Examples & a Guide for Yours kos Izsk March 2, 2022 Portfolio Tips First impressions have been rescheduled: they're made way before meeting in person, saving plenty of time and effort for all parties. With the following prompts, you can explore specific ways to implement portfolios in a classroom setting. My Numbers Gradebooks are on my iPad which Ill have with me on my desk. Either I filmed it myself or my students filmed it and AirDropped it to me. Both strengths and weaknesses are demonstrated with opportunities to enhance or remediate skills. This page highlights some of their students completed work. Advantages of student portfolios versus traditional methods include the following: It is also important to realize the disadvantages of portfolios compared to traditional assessments. Student Portfolio Template 2. Special Education Assessment in the Classroom, Teaching Students with Visual Impairments, Teen Dating Violence Prevention for Educators, Institutional & Ethical Issues in Special Education, Using the Dimensions of Learning Framework, ILTS TAP - Test of Academic Proficiency (400): Practice & Study Guide, Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081) Prep, Praxis World & U.S. History - Content Knowledge (5941): Practice & Study Guide, FTCE General Knowledge Test (GK) (082) Prep, Praxis Chemistry: Content Knowledge (5245) Prep, Foundations of Education: Certificate Program, OAE Assessment of Professional Knowledge - Early Childhood (PK-3) (001) Prep, OAE Assessment of Professional Knowledge - Adolescence to Young Adult (7-12) (003) Prep, Create an account to start this course today. So Im an engineer by background, but really passionate about sports and combining the two. Teachers, parents, and students have opportunities to conference, collaborate, and reflect on the student's learning. Top 17 Best Teaching Portfolio Template Options 1. The students must create the portfolios with materials available in class. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. The Student Portfolio Series is also available as a WELNET module, called Online Learning. P: 509.327.3181 For example, the portfolios might be used to show student growth, to identify weak spots in student work, and/or to evaluate your own teaching methods. Their portfolios should include film and audio of past performances when applicable, as well as sketches, photographs, and even physical costumes that can be displayed at industry applications. Once class is over, Ill AirDrop the videos to my MacBook into a folder on my desktop (e.g. Im constantly trying to figure out how students are doing in terms of their learning and communicate that information to them (my Assessment Magnetsget a ton of action these days). And outside of even 3D printing, theres a lot of work going on in creating some Theres spaces even in Chicago that are called Makerspaces where its kind of a band of people that are really interested in making physical products. It can be used in conjunction with the FIVE FOR LIFE Advanced Program. Resources explored in detail in this episode include, Press Play below to listen or visit the podcast page. The episode breaks down the various tools that teachers all over the planet are using to curate portfolios for their students. Jose Jimenez -Math Education. Step 2: Create an evaluation plan. Portfolios will be presented to parents and classmates at their year-end graduation ceremony. The Five for Life Student Portfolio Series 2 (teacher and student manuals) in hard copy and electronic format through WELNET, our internet-based software. Title Page/Spine Title of 3-Ring Binder. Last year, I was going a step deeper into this process by creating folders for each outcome targeted within each unit. 20:34 MV: And people just take, whether youre 10 years old or 30 years old or 6 years old, I tend to see in people that are kind of building these things, theres a lot of pride that goes into Hey, I made this. Before collecting work to put in the portfolio, determine how it will be assessed and include rubrics and checklists. And if youre teaching anything, a teacher perspective, like biomechanics and even sort of functional anatomy-type concepts and they can really get a hands on experience of designing something and seeing how it impacts on the potential performance. Some of the studies included in this systematic review show that written reflection differentiates the reflective component of teacher practice (e.g., pedagogical content knowledge, content and . F: 509.927.8551, 2023 Once all of the videos are into the folder, Ill use macOS Quick Look feature to quickly determine which student is in the video and then rename the file with the students name and a description of the evidence in the video. Graduation Card Template for Student. The Five for Life Student Portfolio Series 1 (teacher and student manuals) and online access to printable teaching materials. And the reason that sports is interesting from kind of a research and development and even product space for me is that not many people know this, but its actually one of the places where you see a lot of development in new technology and theyre an early adopter of many of the new materials and new processes that you would see alongside kind of defence or aerospace. 28:10 JR: The links and everything to the show will be at and you can be able to go there and find all those links that have been mentioned in todays episode. So, it has the ability to bring those kind of cross-collaboration or cross-discipline education together. Her interests are in tech, sports, and music, and her projects and resume clearly display it. She was making something called an Anchor portfolio and Platform enhance or remediate skills please refer to the videos my... 2 left in stock - order soon this monster blog post of individual goals for the year I! 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