engine runs on water inventor killed

This research center was the reason the men would toast before their meal. [7] Furthermore, the term "fuel cell" is usually reserved for cells that produce electricity from a chemical redox reaction,[8][9] whereas Meyer's fuel cell consumed electricity, as shown in his patents and in the circuit pictured on the right. Despite an investigation, the police went with the Franklin County coroner report which ruled Meyer . Meyers death was investigated for three months, though it was eventually written on the coroners report that he died of a cerebral aneurysm. Salter was killed by . Meyer intended to take his case to the Supreme Court of Ohio because he felt there had been judicial misconduct. Since the advent of the automobile, manufacturers have designed different engines to limit the environmental impact posed by the millions of pounds of carbon emissions cars generate annually. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. We have addressed HHO . Three years after his death, many of Meyer's patents, as part of his estate, were registered in the name of his widow, Marilyn Meyer. On board electrolysis, no hydrogen tanks, no bombs on-board, just water. The Wardenclyffe Tower. Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. The Croatian Nikola Tesla, probably the greatest inventor of free energy systems of all time, died despised in misery.The vast majority of its free energy patents have . The old adage all is fair in love and war, seems obvious to those who have seen alternative fuel and transportation inventions come and go, as war is certain to come to those who threaten an industry that has dug its heels in to control global economies. Those who profit from selling oil and gas have built their fortunes upon it and their incomes and futures would be in jeopardy should an alternative, sustainable fuel be introduced to replace their deleterious products. 20006, Florida Thats an apparent reference to Stanley Meyer, an inventor of a water-powered fuel cell for car engines. The next hydrogen car invented was in 1933. He also wrote formal complaints to New Energy News and the London Sunday Times in regard to articles about the guilty verdict of the Ohio Court. The registrations on Meyer's patents eventually lapsed and the patents have been freely available to the public for more than a decade. Many environmentalists, engineers, and activists are pouring their time into finding sustainable solutions, but until the average consumer takes an active interest, progress will be slow. In 2008 he drove 2 Toyota Prius's on water and electric to DC, to show the big wigs, a DOD project. Needless to say, it is a far cheaper way to run a car. Was he targeted by the industries that stand to lose, should Salters invention have gone mainstream? Aaron Salter Jr. was killed by a mass shooter because he was working on creating a water-powered car engine. On March 21, 1998, Meyer was having lunch at a Cracker Barrel with his brother and two potential Belgian investors. He outlined his grievances in a "Public Notice to Inform" on December 20, 1996. The Strategic Defense Initiative was first announced in 1983 and anchorman Ryan left the station in 1987. The Apollo 11 Conspiracy; What Did NASA Really Find? [28][29][30] On the company's website the energy source is explained only with the words "Chemical reaction". He quickly muttered his last words, They poisoned me.. (Natural News) Aaron Salter Jr., a security guard at the Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo who was killed in the recent mass shooting, had reportedly just patented a new type of vehicle engine that runs on water instead of gasoline. This research center was the reason the men would toast before their meal. For other purported water fueled devices, see. from the UK, 1995, featuring Stanley. Talk about a win, win situation. On location with Meyer and the water car, reporter Ralph Robinson says that the week prior, the Pentagon flew a lieutenant colonel in to look at Meyer's invention -- to possibly use it in the Star Wars defense program and to run Army tanks. Back in the days, cars running on water rather than petroleum fuel seemed the invention of the future, but with hydrogen or water-powered cars such as the Toyota Mirai or Honda Clarity, it doesn't surprise us anymore . In burning the hydrogen gas water vapor is produced, meaning that the combustion is clean, which is why . Though radio communication was in its nascent phase at the time, telegraph operators reported sparks and fire coming from their equipment, while some were even thrown across the room. The plot centers on the many obstacles the inventor must overcome to patent his device.[51]. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Yes, you can run your car on water. 1935 1935 - Inventor Henry Garrett patented a electrolytic carburetor and let a car run on tap water. document.getElementById("new_pending_subscriber").submit(); The manifesto said the shooter drove to Buffalo based on the areas high black population and the fact that it isnt that far away, CBS News reported. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the agency was investigating the crime as an act of racially motivated violent extremism, the outlet reported. [32] The vehicle Genepax demonstrated to the press in 2008 was a REVAi electric car, which was manufactured in India and sold in the UK as the G-Wiz. New York State Troopers lead a procession after the funeral service for Aaron Salter Jr . A retired Buffalo police officer who was working security at the supermarket where a gunman opened fire Saturday is being hailed as a hero for confronting and firing upon the suspect before being fatally shot. While conspiracies shroud Meyers invention and death some say it is impossible for his water fuel cell to do what it claimed to one thing is clear: without an alternative fuel source of some sort, the Earths climate crisis will only continue to deepen. Officials say the 55-year-old . According to the patent, in this case "the term 'fuel cell' refers to a single unit of the invention comprising a water capacitor cell that produces the fuel gas in accordance with the method of the invention. About. ). Who wouldnt love this idea? He lived in Columbus East Side area for most of his life. "I would like to realize my dream of getting cars to run off of water using my newly discovered energy source some day.". Meyers water-powered engine was the result of 20 years of research and dedication, and he claimed it was capable of converting tap water into enough hydrogen fuel to drive his car from one end of the country to the other. My life has been threatened many times. All it takes is to build a "water-burning hybrid" is the installation of a simple, often home-made electrolysis cell under the hood of your vehicle. If you are familiar with the story of Stanley Meyer, you know he created a car that ran on 100% water. Answer (1 of 23): Kind of opposite is true! In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. It modestly read that Salter was excited to have started this company, believing that it is fully possible to power vehicles with water. "Like Water for Octane," an episode of The Lone Gunmen,[49] is based on a "water-powered" car that character Melvin Frohike saw with his own eyes back in 1962. But there's nothing to worry about any more," said Ogle. The water fuel cell would split the water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, which would then be combusted back into water vapor in a conventional internal combustion engine to produce net energy. Meyer and other alternative transportation inventors were up against copious amounts of money from Big Oil. [3], Throughout his patents[4][5][6] Meyer used the terms "fuel cell" or "water fuel cell" to refer to the portion of his device in which electricity is passed through water to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Salters LinkedIn profile reveals that one of his main passions in life was coming up with a free energy transportation solution. And according to critics, theyre willing and able to quell inventions that threaten to, To protect all that they have built in terms of perennial profits, international clout, and influence on major world economies, Big Oil continues to be the strongest political force to. There is a cycle of turning water into hydrogen and oxygen and then back to water again. I've had too much publicity. An article in journal Nature described Meyer's claims as one more "water as fuel" myth. Three other people were injured in the attack. A "very" alternative solution, it goes without saying. The Transportation Security Administration spent a couple hundred million dollars on gender-neutral screening technology. Because of this, I organised a weekend visit as often, arrival Friday 20, and departure Sunday 22. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. His invention was mind-boggling and promised a future of non-polluting vehicles that could be refueled with a garden hose. Through life. [2], Philip Ball, writing in academic journal Nature, characterized Meyer's claims as pseudoscience, noting that "It's not easy to establish how Meyer's car was meant to work, except that it involved a fuel cell that was able to split water using less energy than was released by recombination of the elements Crusaders against pseudoscience can rant and rave as much as they like, but in the end they might as well accept that the myth of water as a fuel is never going to go away. [18] Company founder Dennis Klein claimed to be in negotiations with a major US auto manufacturer and that the US government wanted to produce Hummers that used his technology.[19]. water, have an electric current run through the liquid, which. Almost all those killed or injured were Black, including Salter. Describing his invention as a "newly discovered energy source," [35] Thushara was arrested a few months later on suspicion of investment fraud. But there is no evidence backing the claim that he was targeted because of it. An 18-year-old man allegedly traveled to a Buffalo Tops Supermarket May 14 where he proceeded to shoot and kill 10 people, including Salter Jr., according to The Associated Press. Hitler didnt kill 6 million Jews and the Holocaust is not what happened.. The water-powered cars we'll focus on derive their locomotion from electrically splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases the resulting hydrogen gas is burned. stated on February 13, 2023 in social media posts. Hydrogen/Oxygen fuel in an ICE motor. The Apollo 1 Conspiracy; Did NASA Cover Up Gus Grissom's Death? (Natural News) Aaron Salter Jr., a security guard at the Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo who was killed in the recent mass shooting, had reportedly just patented a new type of vehicle engine that runs on water instead of gasoline.. It was not long after this occurred that he turned up dead in a mass shooting. [3], Stanley Meyer's invention was later termed fraudulent after two investors to whom he had sold dealerships offering the right to do business in Water Fuel Cell technology sued him in 1996. But when he told the Belgian investors the next day that his brother had died, their complete silence and lack of sympathy aroused his suspicions. The document described Black people as "replacers.". Theres no evidence that Salter was killed for his work. [7], In 2002, the firm Hydrogen Technology Applications patented an electrolyser design and trademarked the term "Aquygen" to refer to the hydrogen oxygen gas mixture produced by the device. The 2nd best inventor of the Century, besides Tesla, who was and will always be #1. Stanley Meyer may have thought he was poisoned, but the toxicology reports did not find any evidence of poisoning. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . In a research role equivalent to Percival, the knight of the Round Table who did the impossible by recovering the Holy Grail, Aaron Salter discovered the greatest secret of mechanical engineering. The Franklin County, Ohio, coroner's report found that his immediate cause of death on March 20, 1998, was "rupture of cerebral artery aneurysm." Stephen Meyer insists his brother was murdered. A Zimbabwean inventor named Sangulani Maxwell Chikumbutso invented an electric car that requires no charging. So far the engine has been tested in a Hybrid electric car, which did not require recharging. It worked through an electric water fuel cell, which divided any kind of water including salt water into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method. Well, for starters, its the petroleum industry. Imagine if we all had water powered cars!!! The car shown was actually a Bricklin SV-1. It is rare to have a ski run away in the water. Describing his invention as a "newly discovered energy source," Salter, just prior to his death, had been working on and speaking publicly about environmentally sustainable vehicles that have the potential to replace existing ones that rely on either internal combustion (gas) or battery-powered (electric) engines. And this is but one of many oil corporations that not only wield tremendous political and economic power, but also the power to influence public opinion. Tesla tested his theory at his Pike's Peak lab, creating electrical arcs that . (AP). Abstract: An engine system for generating hydrogen and oxygen, and a method using a by-product of electrolysis, for use in an internal combustion engine to improve . Meyer's claims were never independently verified, and in an Ohio court in 1996 he was found guilty of "gross and egregious fraud". The truck carried an ammonia reformer that extracted hydrogen and then burned this in its internal combustion engine. The power to move the vehicle actually comes from the burning of hydrogen, which is derived through electrically splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases through electrolysis. [10] The car generated hydrogen by electrolysis as can be seen by examining Garrett's patent, issued that same year. }. The oil industry always puts up a big fight. An 1859 solar storm caused the Suns corona to expel a massive release of magnetic energy, known as a coronal mass ejection, or CME. [25] The company said it "cannot [reveal] the core part of this invention" yet,[26] but it disclosed that the system used an onboard energy generator, which it called a "membrane electrode assembly", to extract the hydrogen using a "mechanism which is similar to the method in which hydrogen is produced by a reaction of metal hydride and water". Meyer claimed he was poisoned moments before he died in 1998 . It's quite obvious the Arabs would pay $200 billion to try to keep this type of technology out of the economy. After more than 20 years of research and tinkering, it was time to celebrate. Various tests showed that using H2O as fuel can be even more efficient than using conventional fuel. The "oil industry" and the constructors of "engines that run on water" had a good collaboration over centuries. These claims are all false, and often with fraudulent intent, as again water itself cannot contribute any energy to the process. [citation needed], In early 2009, Genepax announced they were closing their website, citing large development costs. Charles H. Garrett had demonstrated a car fulled on water that was the headline of the news papers back in September 8, 1935 in The Dallas Morning News. On March 21, 1998, Meyer was having lunch at a Cracker Barrel with his brother and two potential Belgian investors. St. Petersburg, FL Ryan's firm, BiosFuel were planning to sell motorbikes with the conversions in them. Because they will crush you and bury your patent somehow., Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media, function onCaptchaFormSubmit(token) { Charles H. Garrett allegedly demonstrated a water-fuelled car "for several minutes", which was reported on September 8, 1935, in The Dallas Morning News. Corporations deny it and media keep mysteriously . On September 29, 1913, Rudolf Diesel, inventor of the engine that bears his name, disappears from the steamship Dresden while traveling from Antwerp, Belgium to Harwich, England. See our, Since the advent of the automobile, manufacturers have designed different engines to limit the environmental impact posed by the. Salter was among other victims in the Buffalo mass shooting who were targeted for being Black. Aaron Salter Jr., a security guard at the Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo who was killed in the recent mass shooting, had reportedly just patented a new type of vehicle engine that runs on water instead of gasoline.. Black Americans are not descended from people who were taken from Africa to be enslaved. Another inventor Bob Boyce can run a V6 engine and a 2.0L on 100% water, using a 100 cell box. His car was due to be examined by the expert witness Michael Laughton, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Queen Mary University of London and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. Among these are ethanol, natural gas, electricity, and even propane. YouTube. Trump tweeted about his return to Twitter on Nov. 19. In another video, he told a colleague that his interest in alternative energy sources started with solar power. Vapor is produced, meaning that the combustion is clean, which is why he. Electrical arcs that your car on water x27 ; ve had too much publicity the engine has tested. Inventor of the Century, besides Tesla, who was and will always be # 1 even. You are familiar with the Franklin County coroner report which ruled Meyer was poisoned, but the toxicology Did! Electrolysis, no hydrogen tanks, no bombs on-board, just water energy sources started with power. That stand to lose, should Salters invention have gone mainstream 100 % water using... 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engine runs on water inventor killed