Sunflower hearts and chips shouldnt be offered in tube feeders where moisture can collect. Suet (beef fat) attracts insect-eating birds such as woodpeckers, wrens, chickadees, nuthatches, and titmice. Find Out Here! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Blackberry lily is also an aggressive spreader. WebSquirrels are omnivores and so eat plants and animals. Food: Juncos are granivorous and especially prefer white proso millet, hulled sunflower seeds and chips, and cracked corn. Its crucial to choose the right kinds of bird seed for your bird feeding station. Vinegar - Great for cleaning fruit and vegetables. Single poppy seed can weigh more than half a gram. The millet needs to be kept as dry as possible. For instance, a seed-eating bird like the two lb. But birds thrive on the nutritious oil in the seeds, and theyre packed with fiber, calcium, and other important nutrients. Check out our video for more plants with interesting seedheads. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'birdadviser_com-box-3','ezslot_2',101,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-birdadviser_com-box-3-0'); Red millet, oats, and other fillers are typically not appetizing to most birds, and combinations containing them can produce a lot of trash when the birds filter through them. If it's not a problem in some areas, we need to keep it that way. But two groups are widespread across the United States in spring and summer, and they sport either red or yellow feathers. Without the protection of the shell, sunflower hearts and chips quickly spoil, and can harbor dangerous bacteria, so its important to offer no more than can be eaten in a day or two. Its as if youre expected to put up bird feeders for seed-eating birds and be content with that. WebBirds are most likely to eat where they feel safe from predators, including free-roaming cats. This seed is ideal for smaller birds. Birds consume half to a quarter of their body weight in food per day on average. Sunflowers, corn, millet, fruits (including raisins and cherries), and peanuts are the most often used ingredients in bird seed. Fruits Membership benefits include one year of Audubon magazineand the latest on birds and their habitats. Small birds benefit from the high starch, protein, fiber, and fat content of millet as a dietary source. Your email address will not be published. Let the seedpods dry after you cut them and they should open up and release the seeds easily. The annual flower seed safflower is a favorite of medium and large songbirds. However, birds that dont migrate must eat fruits and seeds to survive during the fall and winter. High in Vitamin C and K. Fruits that are high in vitamins will play a significant role in a birds life. About 20 species of birds that feed on the fruits have been documented in this website. All types of birds will scratch on the ground or through leaf litter in search of fallen seeds, making these flowers beneficial long after their blooms have faded, and dropped seeds are even favorite foods of winter birds. If you feed birdseed to your birds, you can be sure that it is a healthy and nutritious seed that your birds will love, and that they will enjoy eating. Available for everyone,funded by donors like you. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Some kinds of squirrel baffles, and some specialized feeders, are fairly good at excluding them. Watch your feeders in winter for a common redpoll. Everything is invasive somewhere! Your email address will not be published. (They do like corn, though.) Crows can eat various seeds, such as black oil sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Hulled Sunflower Seed 5. Here are some plants that seed-eating birds particularly like. Birds naturally prioritize easier, more accessible meals first. Milo is frequently used as a filler in extremely affordable commercial seed mixtures, which reduces their value because a lot of the seed may be lost. Because birds are finicky eaters, you should be sure to clean up your bird feed every other day and replace it when it starts to spoil from being out in the elements. Even cardinals and finches will eat peanuts, Thompson writes. Jim Chosun Juan Given to Fly Apr 12, 2013 #3 These finches build compact nests with an open cup shape. What If The Seeds Aren't Eaten By The Birds? Insects. Flower arrangers and florists also know the value of dried seed pods and berries for winter arrangements, but instead of cutting them to bring indoorsand add to the clutter and dust catchersI just let them stand. They Had Feathers: Is the World Ready to See Dinosaurs as They Really Were? Its easy to get confused about the finest seeds and mixtures to give your backyard birds when you visit the supermarket and see all the different bags of food. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You see, I do no fall cleanup and all my perennials, annuals and grasses are left to stand all winter, to the great delight of the seed-eating crowd. America's #1 backyard birding and gardening magazine! WebDo juncos eat black oil sunflower seeds? While others said that store-bought birdseed has a lot of seed dust mixed in with it and that this makes the seed less nutritious. Some Birds Enthusiastically Eat Peanuts. The size of this seed is comparable to a rice grain. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. You can anticipate learning about what seeds do birds eat by looking at various kinds of seeds in this article.. Youll likely be able to find this high-fat food at your supermarket (ask the butcher if you dont spot it on display). 1 cup to 10L. The canary seed is the seed of an herbaceous plant, the birds favorite food. Like corn, peanuts have a high likelihood of harboring aflatoxins, so must be kept dry and used up fairly quickly. To diversify the birds that frequent your garden, try using different kinds of seeds. Resist deadheading spent flowers. Others claim that the seeds are picked by hand and that this makes them more nutritious. They are found in all categories, from annuals to perennials, biennials, vines, shrubs, trees and even conifers. There is no place for the birds to set the seed down. Place the suet Flowers can also attract a greater variety of birds, especially shy species that may be unwilling to come out in the open to visit feeders. Learn more about wild bird food preferences. Sign up for the Laidback Gardener blog and receive articles in your inbox every morning! Several finches, including crossbills, redpolls and evening grosbeaks, are typical of the Far North, so theyre likely to be seen south of Canada mainly in winter. So which seeds do birds like, and which are poisonous? A study published in the Journal of Avian Biology shows that bird species will eat the seeds if they are soft enough. Soak for 10 minutes. Grapes or sliced citrus, apple, or banana are a special treat that will draw many birds. In a perfect world the birds would eat all of those seeds and you wouldn't have to worry about the extra seedlings. . Ideal for Large and medium-sized songbirds. Bill Thompson, III, over at Bird Watchers Digest offers his top 10 picks: 10. Mixing seeds with bird food is a great way to expand the range of your seed collection. And even then, birdseed may not be safe for your own birds if you plan to feed it to them. There are endless choices of seeds for bird feeders, and it can be difficult to figure out what is good for the birds and what isnt. Previous question Next question. WebWhat do African greys eat in the wild? WebExpert Answer. WebBlackbirds are flexible omnivores that eat primarily berries, grains and seeds, as well as caterpillars, beetles, worms, snails, flies, spiders and various other insects. Sunflower seed is the primary ingredient in the majority of backyard bird feeders since it draws the broadest range of birds. The one-seeded palm fruits are the major attraction for birds. Bad mixed seed can include dyed seed meant for pet birds, wheat, and some forms of red milo that only birds in the Desert Southwest seem to eat. Good mixed seed, he says, has a large amount of sunflower seed, cracked corn, white proso millet, and perhaps some peanut hearts. Check for seed at specialty bird stores or a hardware store, or make your own mix. Some birds have been recorded to eat the seeds in large quantities and even cache them in nests, while others do not. Waste seed becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, contaminating fresh seed more quickly. Robins cant digest seeds, and their beaks are not built for cracking. The summer range of the purple finch covers southern Canada, the northeastern states and the Pacific Coast. Soak for 10 minutes. Depending on the size of the fruits and the gape of the birds, palm fruits are either swallowed whole or the outer flesh is torn off piece by piece. WebSafe Chemicals. These doves evolved specifically for ground foraging, eating up to 20% of their body weight in seeds daily. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 3) Provide suet during cool weather only. In American goldfinches, mimicry is rare. How to Choose the Right Kind of Bird Feeder, About Suet, Mealworms, and Other Bird Foods. Pine siskin vs goldfinch: Heres how to tell the difference. Any desirable birds that consume these kinds of bird food will happily visit any other varieties of bird seed that you provide in your yard. Check out the best finch feeders to serve thistle seed. WLADIMIR BULGAR / Getty Images. Here is a list of what roadrunners like to eat: 1. Just leavethem alongduring the winter and watch the birds come in great numbers! Our email newsletter shares the latest programs and initiatives. Whats more, they taste delicious! Safflower is cultivated for commercial purposes all over the world, with Asia, Africa, and India producing the most. Never buy corn in plastic bags, never allow it to get wet, never offer it in amounts that cant be consumed in a day during rainy or very humid weather, and be conscientious about raking up old corn. WebSo, what do baby birds eat? According to sources, This day is celebrated in early February, during the deepest and coldest part of winter. Flax, Red Millet, Golden Millet, And Other Grains. The nests are usually hidden away in dense foliage of trees or tall shrubs. With weather forecasters calling for more extreme winter weather across much of the country this week, now is the time to administer a little TLC to your bird feeder. Hummingbirds also feed on tree sap and fruit juices. or weed trees, like box elder (Acer negundo), are actually great plants for attracting birds. Some Birds Eat Other Birds. Benefits of Grapes for Birds. WebThe one-seeded palm fruits are the major attraction for birds. If at all possible, make sure to purchase roasted, unsalted peanuts! Hi Robin, please don't recommend that people plant teasel. Birds can quickly fly twelve feet to reach the safe cover, yet predators cannot use it to hide within striking range of the feeder. They eat mostly insects, reptiles, and small animals but roadrunners also eat cactus fruits, seeds, and other plants available to them. Ideal for Large and medium-sized songbirds. 6. But not all bird species are fruit-eaters. Every year, millions of Sunflower seeds are produced across the globe. Not only are these chemicals toxic to birds, but once birds discover the flowers, they'll happily feed on nearby insects as well for natural pest control. There are many different types of seeds, and each type of bird requires different seeds to survive. Nyjer seed is heated to sterilization before being sold to prevent germination and growth. Here is a list of what roadrunners Black-Oil Sunflower Seed 3. Since most birds are unable to break open a tough peanut shell, the primary distinction is which birds you intend to feed. However, theyre not so bitter in taste that it becomes difficult to swallow. Purple finches travel south in the eastern states in fall, sometimes in large numbers, and flocks of Cassins finches sometimes move downhill into western valleys and lowlands. (As will the butterflies, but thats a different story!). In another study, House Sparrows did not eatmilo, but cowbirds did. As a result, it is important for birds to have access to different sources of food throughout the year. A sunflower seed that has already had its shell removed is referred to as a hulled sunflower. Making the right choice when buying birdseed can be difficult, especially when one doesnt know what to look for. Safflower. Where I live in the frozen north neither plant is a problem. The thought of mealworms might give you the willies, but most feeder birds will gobble them upexcept goldfinches, according to Thompson. And most of them are at least partly migratory. Popcorn degrades quite quickly. Favorable for Bigger birds (with stronger beaks). Safflower can be offered in any feeder that can accommodate sunflower seeds, such as hopper feeders, feeders with a lot of mesh, and open trays and dishes. Please let people know that teasel shouldn't be planted in ANY state. Never offer corn covered in a red dye. Both the white and the red types are readily accessible and ideal as a food for backyard birds. Ideal for Large and medium-sized songbirds. In the house finch and its relatives, adult males are decorated with touches of bright red (rarely replaced with orange or yellow), while females are brown with streaked patterns. Rice and Grain Weevils (Do not feed birds bread.) Certainly, there is plenty of evidence that birds do eat thistle seeds, but less so on the fact that they do. Photo: Howard Arndt/Audubon Photography Awards, Great Egret. The American goldfinch is the best known, found in summer all across the northern and central U.S. and southern Canada. Benefits of Grapes for Birds. Only a few species of birds can consume peanuts in their shells. Never serve maize that has been colored red. Youll notice that most of these plants are fairly common garden plants: its just that we rarely think of them as bird fodder. Homemade bird treats. Wild Bird Food Preferences. Unfortunately its also a favorite with cowbirds and other blackbirds and House Sparrows, which are already subsidized by human activities and supported at unnaturally high population levels by current agricultural practices and habitat changes. As invasive thistle plants became a recognized problem in North America, suppliers shifted to a daisy-likeplant, known as Guizotia abyssinica, that produces a similar type of small, oily, rich seed. (spruce) zones 1 to 7, depending on the species, Sedum spp. 1121 Main Street | P.O. Therefore, they are not appropriate for avid bird watchers. View the full answer. One interesting fact about the Stellers Jay is that they have been observed feeding pumpkin seeds to their young. These seeds are a favorite food for: Jays; Sparrows; Cardinals; Finches; Doves; Nyjer seeds. In general, birds are generally omnivores; they eat many different types of foods, with each species having a preference for certain foods. When these species are present, its wisest to not use millet; virtually all the birds that like it are equally attracted to black oil sunflower. Additionally, they are frequently minced up and put into suet or general bird seed mixtures.. Red- and yellow-colored finches stick to a vegetarian menu far more than most Lets not be in a hurry to cut down plants that have interesting seed heads in the fall. Bald Eagle. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Depending on the size of the fruits and the gape of the birds, palm fruits Be sure theyre de-shelled, dry-roasted, and unsalted. The seeds are heat-sterilized during importation to limittheir chance of spreading while retaining their food value. Mice, rats, squirrels, and chipmunks will rummage through seed that has fallen or been thrown aside by birds feeding at your feeder. In particular, if a seed mix has a lot of small, red seeds, make sure theyre milo or sorghum, not red millet. Canary seed is a type of birdseed that is commonly used in bird feeders and as a seed for bird cages. I have found my Goldfinches gobbling the seed from Cosmos, I plan on growing more next year just for my birdie friends. Thanks to his son, Mathieu Hodgson, and a team of contributors, will continue its mission of demystifying gardening and making it more accessible to all. Shelled And Cracked Corn Seed We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. But you must remember that when you purchase black oil or striped sunflower, you are paying for this waste because the shells wont be consumed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'birdadviser_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-birdadviser_com-leader-3-0'); Additionally, the hulled sunflower is well-liked for its cleanliness. Participatory Ecology, Pingback: Creating a Bird-Friendly Yard | Laidback Gardener. Fruit. Insects such as beetles, crickets, caterpillars, and grasshoppers are on the top list of food roadrunner birds eat. 2023 Bird Ecology Study Group - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. Milo is a favorite with many Western ground-feeding birds. These plants contribute much to the avian biodiversity of our garden city. A very smart, very hungry robin that has observed other birds at feeders can learn to eat birdseed. These birds are typically found in open fields, as well as areas with some water nearby. Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. Even for the most knowledgeable about birds, choosing the right birdseed can be a complicated process. Nyjer seeds are beloved by goldfinches, but when surroundings are unsanitary, they are easily scared away. This seed is a wonderful choice if bird feeder pests are an issue because squirrels and other wildlife typically avoid it because of its rather harsh flavor. Youll need herbaceous plants (perennials, annuals, etc. The seed that attracts the widest variety of birds, and so the mainstay for most backyard bird feeders, is sunflower. Palms are commonly planted in gardens and parks all over Singapore. They tend to eat the same food their parents eat. Eight of the species under the genus Phoenix, the date palm genus, have only a small amount of fruit pulp in relation to the seed, or pit. Almost every day, I need to replenish my feeders with hulled sunflower seeds. From Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota, many of these crops are produced. Avoid distributing it in tube feeders that can retain moisture. Visit your local Audubon center, join a chapter, or help save birds with your state program. Mealworms can be an excellent source of protein, calcium, and vitamins for a great many birds, including some that normally dont visit feeders, but mealworms are only as healthful as the diet they are fed. The kind of birds that will eat milo in a particular backyard may change based on the availability of better food sources. Dont offer it in tube feeders that could harbor moisture. They live in coniferous forests and eat mostly insects, but will also eat fruit, seeds, and nuts. The seeds can be regurgitated after the flesh is scraped off in the crop or they can be passed off as droppings. One cap to 10L bucket. Its okay to put out food at any time, but if you can, try to make sure that there is bird food accessible early in the morning and again when dusk approaches (especially during winter and autumn). As discussed above, they might cause molds and fungus. Some consume grains, dead animals, trash, insects, small mammals, fish, buds, larvae, aquatic invertebrates, acorns, and other nuts, as well as seeds, berries, fruit, insects, other birds, eggs, and a variety of other foods. Bleach - Can be used to clean dishes. Insects such as beetles, crickets, caterpillars, and grasshoppers are on the top list of food roadrunner birds eat. You can feed wild birds with seeds, and you can choose between: There are plenty of seed-producing trees in the UK, but some of the most common ones are considered to be harmful to the birds. Even though a birds diet varies largely from one species to the next, heres what most eat: A wide range of bird seed types. People living in apartments or who have trouble raking up seed shells under their feeders often offer shelled sunflower. (clematis) zones 2-8, depending on the species, Fraxinus spp. Cracked corn is sometimes used as filler in commercial mixes to increase weight and volume while bringing down the cost of the mixture as a whole. Heres our quick guide to seed types, including: There are two kinds of sunflowerblack oil and striped. 2023 This site is owned and operated by BirdAdviser. I have a Rose of Sharon tree whose seeds spread all over my yard, and I spend a great deal of time pulling up seedlings. Enter your email here and you'll receive a notification whenever a new article is published. Canary seed is very popular with House Sparrows and cowbirdsbirds that many people would prefernot to attract. Peanuts are very popular with jays, crows, chickadees, titmice, woodpeckers, and many other species, but are also favored by squirrels, bears, raccoons, and other animals that should not be subsidized. However, seed choice will vary depending on the type of bird. ), but also shrubs and trees. Here are some ideas you can use to get the weevils to leave the birdseed alone. 28 Most Correct Answers -, Seville the Cat, here. Make your own suet feeder with a mesh onion bag, Thompson suggests. 9. Ans.A larger gizzard, caeca, and proventriculus generally indicate that the bird prefers to eat food with a higher cellulose content, such as seeds, g . This is the time your backyard birds need your help the most. Flowers to Plant to Attract Birds With Seeds. Let us send you the latest in bird and conservation news. Corn should be offered in fairly small amounts at a time on tray feeders. Most finch birds have bright color patterns and cheerful, twittering voices, and many are among the first visitors to new bird feeders. White millet is frequently sprinkled on the ground since ground-feeding birds enjoy it so much. WebExpert Answer. You should get a feeder that is made specifically for spreading nyjer if you wish to feed it.. Yellow is the defining color of the goldfinches. The male helps out, though, by bringing her food while shes incubating, in addition to bringing food for her and the youngsters during the first days after the eggs hatch. 1. Ans.A larger gizzard, caeca, and proventriculus generally indicate that the bird prefers to eat food with a higher cellulose content, such as seeds, g . Safflower oil is actually a relatively palatable source of essential fatty acids and is used in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Seed regurgitating is seen among koels, starlings and hornbills. The majority of birds will fling or kick out this kind of seed. (amaranth, love-lies-bleeding) annual, Clematis spp. The annual flower seed safflower is a favorite of medium and large songbirds. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. First, its a favorite of House Sparrows, cowbirds, starlings, geese, bears, raccoons, and deernone of which should be subsidized by us. WebSafe Chemicals. Listedhere are 12 plants that have great seed heads forbirds. We shouldn't allow it to invade other areas. Make sure to read the ingredients list on birdseed mixtures, avoiding those with these seeds. In their longtime western range they are mostly permanent residents. Make sure the small, red seeds in a seed mix are milo or sorghum rather than red millet, especially if there are many of them. Manage Settings According to sources, This day is celebrated in early February, during the deepest and coldest part of winter. Due to this, and the fact that birds have proven to be an enthusiastic group of consumers, there are a lot of questions about the birds and Sunflower seeds.. Mealworms could be purchased at a pet store. In the fall, birds should have a diet composed of nectar (especially for Hummingbirds), peanuts or peanut butter, black oil sunflower seeds, and Nyjer seed. Small birds with narrow gape like flowerpeckers, mynas and bulbuls tear off the flesh, dropping the partially eaten fruits around the base of the palm. House finches are common year-round from coast to coast in the United States and southern Canada. The plant isnowknown as niger or nyjer, andis imported from overseas. Never offer buttered popcorn or any kind of microwave popcorn. WebWhile common backyard birds can process small amounts of salt without difficulty, large quantities are dangerous. It is a delightful option for winter feeding birds because it is rich in carbs, fat, and proteins. If you have a bird who likes to eat safflower seeds, then you might want to try a recipe that uses safflower seeds, instead of the seeds being thrown away, and maybe learning how to grow safflower seeds yourself. Spread the word. In a lesser goldfinchs song, more than half the sounds may be mimicked from other species, such as wrens, robins, kestrels, phoebes and towhees, all in short phrases run together in rapid sequence. Nyjer is one of the bird seed varieties that is most susceptible to spoiling. There are different birds in the world that have different diets and tastes. Make sure you have a wide range of plants, some maturing in summer or fall, others holding on to their seeds through the winter. Birdseed blends using these seeds should not be used; always check the ingredients list. 4. The Stellers Jay is a North American bird that ranges from southern Alaska to central California. Please, please update this article. It gives me an excuse to wander around the yard and see how they aredoing. The seeds are not properly dispersed here. Pollen or nectar. Male finches sometimes sing in flight, launching from a high perch and pouring out their notes while flying in a circle with slow, exaggerated wingbeats. It is the time of year when food is the scarcest. Parakeets have been documented eating palm flowers for the nectar they contain LINK. WebAlso, other birds that do not eat seeds include orioles, tangers, wrens, and bluebirds. You could mix this collected seeds with other birdseed in a feeder. Favorable for Bigger birds (with stronger beaks). Judy Rafts experience, Woodpecker-like feeding behaviour of drongos. Second, corn is the bird food most likely to be contaminated with aflatoxins, which are extremely toxic even at low levels. And this is why it is important for you to be careful about the food you give to your birds. Some birds, like quails, doves, finches, and juncos, do consume rapeseed. It may also eat fruits A Smaller Group of Birds Eat Nyjer Seed. Pinhead oatmeal is excellent for many birds. WebThe only warbler that regularly eats seeds, the Pine Warbler will eat millet, cracked corn, sunflower seed, peanuts, and suet from elevated feeders in winter. I am Lily Aldrin. Safflower Seed. There are many seed-bearing flowers and birds can't get enough of their abundant seeds. Corn intended for planting is often treated with fungicides, marked with red dye as a warning. Pingback: Do Birds Eat Astilbe Seeds | Birds Eating Seeds Yum Yum Quick Answer -, Pingback: Do Birds Eat Astilbe Seeds? Cardinals, jays, blackbirds, doves, grosbeaks, certain, finches, chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, juncos, sparrows, wrens, goldfinches, towhees, and grackles are among the birds that hulled sunflower attracts. If peanuts or mixtures of peanuts and other seeds are offered in tube feeders, make sure to change the seed frequently, especially during rainy or humid weather, completely emptying out and cleaning the tube every time. Finches, juncos, buntings, sparrows, and towhees are its main devotees; however, many other birds will try it, especially when it is mixed with other kinds of seed. 28 Most Correct Answers -, To Trim or Not to Trim? What does this mean? Flowers produce large amounts of natural seed, providing nourishment for a great number of birds without birders continually buying more seed to refill empty feeders. In reply to Teasel is considered invasive by Robin Sweetser. Bleach - Can be used to clean dishes. Nyjer/thistle seed. National Audubon Society Some birds only like fruits, others only like meat, some prefer both. Safflower has a thick shell, hard for some birds to crack open, but The birds are These birds again do not contribute to seed dispersal. Safflower seeds are notorious for being very high in vitamin A, and many birds love the seeds to eat. Thompson calls this seed the hamburger of the bird world: nearly every bird that stops by your feeder will eat it because its thin shell is easy to crack. And dont scorn weeds, either! The lesser goldfinchyellow on the underparts and greenish or black on the backis widespread in the West and Southwest. As with many other species, some songbirds have specialized diets, and for others, their foraging strategy depends on their food source. Yes, parrots can eat longan. A few of the finches survived and established a small wild population. WebHummingbirds are a fascinating group of birds with many different characteristics, few of which are more interesting than their diet. In general,mixtures that contain red millet, oats, and other fillers are not attractive to most birds and can lead to a lot of waste as the birdssort through the mix. On Cornell Lab of Ornithology seed preference tests, Stellers Jays, Curve-billed Thrashers, and Gambels Quails preferred milo to sunflower. For example, grapes are good for birds because they are high in vitamin C and K. These vitamins are critical for improving a birds quality of life and making sure it continues to age gracefully. Many Birds Will Eat White Proso Millet. The seeds in your feeder provide energy and strength, to help birds make it through the rest of winter..