delphi murders pictures

The grandmother of Libby German said the man arrested and accused of killing her granddaughter also was the man who printed off pictures for Libbys funeral. Theres no evidence one way or the other if a silencer was used in this crime. The hebephiles would scream, No grandmas! every time someone posted a 16 year old girl. This is followed by an accusation that I made up this photo or deliberately altered it with a graphics program. Its gross. Lindsey Jacobson/ABC News, FILE MORE: Delphi murders: Suspect charged That said, my morals are solid and Id sooner someone else benefit from my own losses than to ever choose to even mildly harm another in any way for personal gain. Well, of course. Any signs he was abused or struggling somehow, or otherwise operating in an unhealthy state? They fool everyone for a long time, but after they have known them for some time, some people can uncover their true personas, which are nothing like their public images. Youre heard the rumor of the gigantic stuffed animal left at the scene? AS law enforcement continues to probe whether if(document.querySelector("#adunit")){ On February 14, 2017, Libby and Abby's bodies were found in Delphi, Indiana, next to a closed down railroad. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. WebDelphi murders update on Ron Logan: Possible suspect in Delphi murders been on police radar since the killings Who is 'anthony_shots'? This person told me that he found this woman to be very credible. These comments from wife, daughter, and friends defending Mr. X and questioning the official narrative have caused a large group of sleuths abandon Mr. X as a suspect. LE gets tired of this and has his car towed. The killer appears to have thrown bleach over both girls and over all of the objects at the scene. It doesnt get any worse than that. Bottom line is he would be fooling everyone. Hes not a family member. Theres no DNA under Libbys nails. Thinking of you and yours today, as Im sure so many around the country and world are. There are only two cell towers in town so thats actually a possibility, albeit a remote one. Leaker is the man who held a session on Reddit where he told people he had accessed case documents and he was going to leak details about the case. Mr. X owns a hunting cap that is a replica of the one worn by BG, but perhaps that is a common hat in the area. Please stop saying that I manipulate photos about this case with graphics software. He posted accidentally under his real name and profile as if he were still answering questions as Leigh Kerr. In other words, destruction of evidence. I believe that these are homicides. After the crime, he talked so much about the murders to anyone who would listen that people started to get suspicious of him. Go ahead and write whatever you want. and C.A., two of my very best friends who I have known for what seems like my whole life, or maybe it was just since college. What makes you think that picture of a football player references Mr. X? Most rapists who murder are sadistic rapists. The first source is from a female member of the search party who saw the crime scene and discussed it with me. WebCHILLING footage of a man linked to the Delphi killings appears to show chilling similarities to a Snapchat picture posted by one of the victims. SOCIAL media users have expressed outrage after sleuths allegedly shared pictures of the crime scene of the murders of two teen friends in Delphi, Indiana. I concur. They see the forest not the trees. And I say that as someone who loves cemeteries. Try not to be sensationalist, it makes you seem unstable and ridiculous. . That photo with cigarette butts and doll hand . The largest photo looks like an older nude female child under a sheer sheet. The site was shut down by WordPress, but it was because I violated their Terms of Service in a post I made about feminists. They will search through your life with a fine toothcomb, and if you do that with most people, you will find some idiot law someone broke somewhere somehow. If this crime scene is anything like what this woman describes it as, then this is shaping up to be one of the weirdest, most insane double homicides of the 21st Century. Its pretty clear that at least one cartridge was probably found at the scene because in the document(s), it says that LE is looking for a gun in connection with this crime in order to do ballistics tests on it. If Mr. X is a psychopath (a possibility), then this report lines up perfectly. I really like much of his work. He never called his wife to bring a spare set. I do not recall ever reporting such a thing. That said, these protectors probably ought to be named because their behavior is pretty off. }); WebPhotos of Abby Williams, left, and Libby German, right, at police headquarters in Delphi, Indiana. Bowlin offered to give DNA and take a lie detector test. That sucks. No one knows what was in Mr. Xs truck at the time it was towed, and theres no evidence that it was searched that day by LE. "Jaaah?" He set up this crime scene before the murders. If Mr. X killed the Evansdale girls, he was living in or around Delphi at the time. Ive speculated that too. I spent a bit of time on their forums studying them. }); Pathetic. The see the whole thing. Logic tells us that it would have taken him longer to carry out these murders. I wouldnt put a whole lot of faith in the Rare Collectable Firearm thing, a .40 Cal round, is a fairly common caliber. A very cruel addition to the crime scene as the girls may have been killed on Valentines Day. First picture is of a shoe that may be Libbys (if the photo is actually real). He was 21 at the time of the crime, and hes a dead perfect match for the second sketch. So this source is really current LE. We are all just kind of feeling our way and figuring out what our purpose is now, Becky said. She was sent to me by a sleuther who I consider to be among the finest and most professional of all. Theyre just bruised up and real dirty. If you mention him on the other Delphi Murder site you get down voted. Scotts only purpose is to be to pretend he was Leaker in order to draw suspicion away from the prime suspect, Mr. X, for unknown reasons. Leaker said that Libby was catfished on Snapchat with the second sketch of the young man. Ive also spoken with the Iowa lead detective on the Evansdale case. Its a little harder hitting than a 9mm, and a little easier to control, than a .45acp. ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); Would mr x have parked his car in the graveyard earlier during the crime or was it there only after 630pm monday? It looks like he posed the mannequin under the sheet. You think he did it? No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. On February 14, 2017, Libby and Abby's bodies were found in Delphi, Indiana, next to a closed down railroad. In most US states, the AOC is 16 or 17. I wouldnt say he wants to be caught but he definitely gets his jollies by taking his chances. This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. He said the murderers "torn a hole in our families that will never heal.". He had somehow removed them from their bikes and gotten them into his van. I have no idea why there is a gag order on the towing of the abandoned truck at the CPS building? Thats intuition, the Gestalt, I know it when I see it. He throws up a smoke signal that says, This is it, right? The answer is Bingo. Imo, the grounds look identical to that in this photo: 4 dead, 1 critical after potential murder-suicide in Clermont County, sheriff says By Kendall Hyde and Candice Hare Published : Feb. 27, 2023 at 2:13 PM EST | Updated : Feb. 27, 2023 at 2:21 PM EST Ive always said that I would be screaming at the rooftops but were not were not, Becky said. An undated handout photo shows Libby German of Delphi, Ind., who was murdered in Feb. 2017. Im actually leaning towards the latter, as insane as that sounds. They clear him each time after a while, and then they simply say that he is not a suspect. Now theyre left wondering what to do next. Man. Nevertheless, Mr. Xs alibi that he was out of town, came back into town and went to the bridge for no reason, and then decided to search for the girls without knowing they were missing obviously makes no sense. Gavin Fish. I hope and pray for justice for your sister and her friend, and all of you who love them. People on Reddit are attacking this report, saying that according to Abbys mother, Abby didnt have a phone. There is no evidence that this man is involved in this crime. Good times. Stat rape is probably not harmful to teenage girls. Mr. M has been investigated by the FBI six different times for the Evansdale Murders. It may have been livestreamed over the Yello livestreaming site in France. The first was a local detective who was working on the case. Abby was on the ground too, handcuffed. These men are automatically dangerous because the only way to fulfill their sexual drive is to commit a crime. It could be very interesting to hear from anyone who was familiar with Mr. X in his childhood; what was he like? He couldnt keep them alive and tortured them, though he may have wanted to. I believe that does look like cigarette smoke over his left shoulder. Also one of the people who saw him walking away from the crime said his face was still obscured by the white scarf, so it looks like he wore the white scarf away from the scene. This man came back and told us that not only is Mr. X the prime suspect in these murders, but they also suspect him in other murders. This rumor was repeated later when a good source told me that poor Libby was impaled with a branch right below her solar plexus. Its all over the crime scene in the surrounding forest but its not on the girls or on any of the objects, probably because the threw bleach all over them. The Patty family said they still want to help investigators as much as they can since this investigation is still ongoing. I know theres a thought that he cuffed the girls at some point which obviously would restrict them but then what does fought like hell refer to? I havent had anything to do with a teenage girl under 18 since I was 21, 42 years ago. In other words, 10% of men have those markers. I wonder if on a rare collectors type .40 or 10 mm if a silencer can be used? I watched a couple of his videos. How did he do it? She also said her father never lost his keys. Im weird, its okay, I know Im weirdI stopped trying to hide it long ago. There would be no way to know whether the keys were there because he killed the girls or because he was helping in the search efforts. You can see it in the video. Libbys hand was positioned to make her appear to be holding the knife that stabbed her in the shoulder. It cant be anything else. Next, there are stories that this site got shut down by WordPress because I was making up lies about this case. Its possible it was all a ruse so he could retrieve his keys from the kill zone. document.querySelector("#ads").addEventListener('click',function(){ She comes and gives him a ride to the tow yard where they get the car out. One image showed a glimpse of a river that was slightly lightened by the sun, while another showed a trail bridge that looked old and brittle with the surrounding trees entirely shed. Neither the sheriff nor the prosecutor returned The U.S. Sun's calls and messages for comment on Friday. Maybe just coincidence but just strikes me as odd that theres all this dubious car towing going on in this small town during this time. But thats a fairly normal attraction for a 14 year old boy to have. Why didnt he drive it home after he finished searching Rons land Monday evening? Best of all, much of our information is via solid sources such as search party members, official case documents, and LE sources close to the investigation. His whereabouts during those 18 hours are a mystery. However, there is a report that an abandoned vehicle, possibly a white truck, was towed from the CPS building. The article looked into the possibility that the Delphi Killer was responsible for the Evansdale Murders too. It just says this photo is not important and pay no attention to it, right? This has been subsequently appended by two new rumors that there was a bullet cartridge found at the site and that LE is looking for an odd gun, a collectors edition .40 or 10mm, that was used in the crime. Ms. Y said Mrs. X had made a series of very strange posts to Facebook about how she thought she had known someone all her life but it turned out she didnt know them and that this person turned out be some sort of an evil force. He had to dispatch them quickly so they wouldnt scream. I can think of how this scene might have unfolded: He got them to the kill zone, and he had them both on the ground with their hands behind their backs handcuffed. Investigators should be looking for a man with a strong focus on little girls and young teenage girls as preferred sexual objects. The National Read Across America Day takes place every year on March 2, Geisels birthday. Be my guest. To me those two reactions seem pretty excessive, but that doesnt prove anything. They ask him to move his car, he says he cant because he lost his keys. A knife had been plunged either into her shoulder or on the log next to her shoulder. I reported his post to FB as I find it very objectionable. window.adsContainer = {"positionAfterTitle":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position2":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position3":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Below_Next_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position4":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position5":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle1_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position6":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle2_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position7":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle3_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position8":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle4_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position9":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position10":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle6_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position11":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle7_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position12":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle8_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position13":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle9_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position14":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle10_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position15":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle11_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position16":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle12_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"positionTop":{"code":"Article_Desktop_970x250_Header_Rel","isOrganicUserAd":false,"max_width":970,"max_height":250},"positionBottom":{"code":"Article_Desktop_Sidebar_Bottom_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":300,"max_height":600},"positionBottomRight":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280}} It looks like he tossed bleach all over everything the girls, the dolls, the plush object, the sheet, the crucifix, the log, you name it. How Abby and Libby were killed has yet to be revealed by police. The former bar owner said Libby, 14, and her best friend, Abigail Williams, also known as Abby, 13, were last seen on Indiana's Monon High Bridge Trail, Delphi, on February 14, 2017. However, it is quite odd that his truck stayed right above the kill zone for 18 hours straight. This article states that the alleged photos came from a facebook group, fwiw. I noted above that Mr. Xs truck was parked right above where the bodies were found for 18 hours starting at 6:30 PM February 13 until 12:30 PM February 14. There is a small fee of $20 to join, which includes lifetime membership. Ill be the first to admit to more than a morbid curiosity with what most would consider disturbing. I dont think that Im unique. The FBI for some odd reason felt that the girls had been left alive for a week after they were abducted. No such crime as Interfering with an Investigation. Once bitten, twice shy when it comes to that. They continue to amaze me. Please refer to his wife as Mrs. X. Dont use either his name or his initials. So Mr. Xs alibi is dead. We regard that as unverified with substantial likelihood of being true. The wife is a curious case. Back in January, it was ruled by Judge Frances Gull that the jury will come from Allen County after determining that finding impartial jurors in Carroll County would be too difficult. Problem is we dont know the nature of the sex crime. He also thought the murders had occult or Satanic overtones. I see no evidence that this is true. Actually many of my best sleuths down through the years have been women. Yeah, this 100%. This year does feel different. hitType: 'event', Cam caught her leading a groggy and slow walking Gannon to the truck? I dunno about the whole mask thing.. if I saw someone walking around outside in the wood wearing a mask with little/no one else around Id instantly think he was sus. Says she wants to represent herself in court. He may have shown evidence in his life of an abnormal interest in little girls or young teenage girls. The date of Allen's bail hearing, where future trial dates will also be discussed, is set for February 17. Nichole maybe he lost his keys during the killing of the girls and had to go back asking RL if he could search for the missing girls really searching for his keys. I in no way think their release does any harm to the case or disrespect to the girls. It was parked at the trailhead. MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide. His revelations are here. Almost all of these guys have red flags like this early ion life. CHILLING footage of a man linked to the Delphi killings appears to show chilling similarities to a Snapchat picture posted by one of the victims. He was a professional photographer working for the local newspaper, so one would think he'd know you can't put graphic murder photos online during a new and ongoing criminal investigation. Sex murderers of little girls almost always have a strong pedophilic age orientation, although occasionally they attack adults too, as in the killer of Madeline McMurray who murdered a 3 year old girl, probably killed an 8 year old girl in Germany, and raped and brutally beat a 70 year old woman. Thats not so. A family member confirmed there was an arrest but didn't give the person's name. Your choice, dear. About zero. You may wish to print it out for easier perusal. Maybe this was why he was the one who found the bodies during the search on day 2because he knew his keys were there and needed to retrieve them before police found them first. 4 I thought they were ridiculous. I do not know how to use any graphics program. 3. WebDelphi, Indiana: Eerie photos show teens death march Down the hill | Australias leading news site Eerie photos capture teens death march Down the hill Were wrong a lot, sure. I regard him as credible for various reasons. WebDelphi murders cop shares theories of 2nd suspect working with Richard Allen & reveals why causes of death were withheld. There is another accusation on Reddit that I manipulated a photo of BG to add in some cigarette smoke. The main suspect was parked at the cemetery at least from 6:30 PM on. In March, Mike Patty, Libby's grandfather, asked the public to look at the photographs and audio of the suspects. The available literature suggests that this group is larger than we thought. She said that Libbys head was leaning against a log. If a man doesnt think 16 year old girls are disgusting old ladies, he cant possibly be a hebephile. It is associated by child molestation, but not all pedophiles molest, and many can go 20-30 years without offending. Knock yourselves out. An arrest isnt good enough, they want a conviction. The ages of the minors in that group are not known. For some time after 6:30 PM, Mr. X was presumably searching Ron Logans land. When discussing this man in the comments, always refer to him as Mr. X. It has now been revealed that Mike Patty, her grandfather, did this for unknown reasons. Unlike any other sleuthers, we have determined the main suspects in the case, have a good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like, and have recently figured out the motive. If all the items left are true and of course he would not have had them all on him on the bridge once again makes me look at the now demolished CPS building where all evidence would now be destroyed but what would have been in a old CPS buildingpossibly unwanted eft behind unloved toys dolls, stuffed animals and even sheets are possible? But my finest sleuths have consistently been my female sleuths. In order to do ballistics tests, you need a spent cartridge fired from the gun in question. Even cleaned up, you can barely hear a thing. I dont do any of the graphics work on my page. Thats a fact. Eighth gradersAbby and Libbywent missing while hiking through the woods near Indiana'shistoric Monon High Bridgeon February 13, 2017. Many, many pistols are chambered in that caliber, both expensive, and cheap ones. Alternately, BG killed the girls and then went back to the scene between the sometime in the night of February 13 and early morning of February 14 and created this crazy Disneyland crime scene. Yet to be among the finest and most professional of all hear a thing never heal. `` were.! By WordPress because i was 21 at the scene be discussed, is set for February 17 he cant he. Possibly a white truck, was towed from the CPS building look like cigarette smoke an initialism Media! I believe that does look like cigarette smoke Ron Logans land possibility, albeit a remote one car he! Possible suspect in Delphi, Ind., who was working on the log next a. Of a football player references Mr. X killed the Evansdale murders slow walking to! 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delphi murders pictures