He was cold and wet and actually walking in the opposite direction of his home and where his parents were looking for him. His parents believe foul play is involved, and, although unlikely, it is possible an offender happened upon Brandon and sought an opportunity to take him. . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Family and friends indicated that Brandon had always been a high-functioning and emotionally stable individual and for his whereabouts not to be discovered for nearly three years makes the mental breakdown explanation highly unlikely. He disappeared outside of Marshall when he was 19. At around 2:30am, Brandon suddenly yelped oh shit! and the phone disconnected. Brian and Annette Swanson never forgot about the nonchalance from law enforcement they encountered when they first reported their son missing. Elsewhere in the National League, Dansby Swanson's move to the Cubs shifts incumbent Nico Hoerner to second base, while Vaughn Grissom will have the opportunity to fill Swanson's cleats in Atlanta. The map below shows the main geographical locations in the timeline outlined. No keys were found in or around the scene and no obvious signs of foul play were present. Naturally curly Brown hair, blue eyes. We dont know.". 00:00. He was carrying his black Motorola SLVR cellphone, his wallet with identification and his keys. However, something tragic happened to him, but that's not what is debated about his disappearance. While Brandons Law doesnt necessarily help the Swanson family and the search for their son, it does correct an issue they believed hindered what could have been a search conducted much sooner. "So weve got huge amounts of scent in here, said Hasse as he points at a map. Your email address will not be published. Taunton was actually directly on the way from Canby to Marshall, a town he drove through daily on his way to and from class. The dogs led authorities to the banks of the Yellow Medicine River, which at the time of the disappearance was high and flowing fast. The search for Brandon is unprecedented and still active. With no solid leads and no concrete evidence being found, the case quickly grew cold. I want to go out to Brandon`s mother, Annette Swanson, joining us tonight from Marshall, Minnesota. Theres also a lot of debate in the research I found online about what that particular type of hang up and how the calls that came after it were received could mean about the phone. Map showing Brandon's route | Photo Credits: Thomas Lauth Missing Persons Investigation Worldwide Brandon was a promising student, who was happy to have a break after studying wind turbines for an entire semester at the Minnesota West Community and Technical College. He had a love for learning, especially science, so when he graduated from Marshall high school in 2007 he chose to stay home with his parents for a year, and get a certificate in renewable energy and wind turbines from Minnesota West Community and Technical College. After Brandons car was located, the Lyon County Sheriffs Department sought the help of search dogs. The initial search for Brandon Swanson included trained search dogs, hundreds of volunteers and air surveillance. "There are two miles of the river in that area,. Distinguishing characteristics for Brandon include Caucasian male. Just to summarize for people who aren't familiar with the case, Brandon Swanson was a 19 years old from Marshall, MN when he disappeared in May 2008. Numerous examinations were done, and his folks revealed a Brandon missing case to the Lynd Police. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. However, the probability of the buildings owner not finding Brandons remains after two years is unlikely. Her books are available on Amazon. Although it is possible that Brandon disappeared of his own accord and is alive and well, living in another location perhaps under an alias this scenario is extremely unlikely; there is no evidence that Brandon was planning his disappearance and it takes a high level of sophistication to plot your own disappearance and relocation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Brandons evening started in the nearby town of Lynd, about 7 miles southwest of his home in Marshall. In Minnesota alone, roughly three dogs possess the capabilities to carry out this type of search, although Anderson said its not uncommon for his team to utilize canines from other states. Case Details Name/age: Brandon Victor Swanson, 19 No physical evidence in his case has been uncovered. He would be 32 now. The most popular theory among authorities is that Brandon fell into the river. With the river dried up due to drought, Wallen said the excavation crew went to work and still came up with nothing. We would take that opportunity very, very quickly, Anderson said. Brandon s parents, Brian and . Search dogs were brought in from the Twin Cities, and a team of bloodhounds from nearby Codington County, South Dakota were utilized. Full story. Anderson and his team arent strangers to working around the needs of landowners, particularly in the search for Brandon Swanson. 19-year-old Jason Jolkowski went missing during a half-mile walk to the nearby high school on June 13, 2001. Days of looking turned into weeks, then months and now years. This particular night however was May 13th 2008 and it was the LAST day of classes at Minnesota West, meaning that Brandon was officially DONE with his certificate program. As his parents left their home to lend him a hand, Brandon directed them to exactly where he was: about midway between Lynd and Marshall. On March 12, 2009, Brian and Annette Swanson spoke before the House to help expand the Minnesota's Missing Children's Act so it can help missing and endangered adults.The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. After some attempts to free the car himself and trying to call some friends, Brandon decided to give his parents, Brian and Annette Swanson, a call at around 1:54 a.m. to let them know what happened. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Parents pain helps change how police treat missing adults. You can find out more information here. The authorities joined the search later that morning after realizing the seriousness of the situation (Chang, 2008; Weed, 2010). The river varied in depth, going from just knee-high to 15 feet deep, and at the time Brandon went missing, the river was racing fast. At the time Swanson went missing, it was flowing high and fast. His vehicle was located the next day by law enforcement roughly 20 miles from where Brandon Swanson had indicated he had gone into the ditch. Someone had to have picked him up or hidden him. In 1912, a four-year-old boy named Bobby Dunbar went missing on a family trip, 8 months later he was found and reunited with his family. It has also been nearly three years since Brandon went missing and for a fraud of this nature to last that long without detection is unlikely. Monday is Brandon Swansons 28th birthday. Her work is primarily featured on The Vault. Brian and Annette waited for their son to tell them what was wrong, but he never did. Star Tribune, p. 1B. VOICE OF ANNETTE SWANSON, MOTHER OF BRANDON SWANSON: Well, just very briefly, Brandon`s Law is Minnesota missing . That night was all about celebrating the end of the year, and Brandon had what was supposed to be a fun night with lots of friends ahead of him. His phone was thought to have been on for two days after his disappearance because every call made to the phone after his disappeared resulted in several rings and then a voicemail recording. This prompted Brandon to. The bill was signed by Governor Tim Pawlenty on May 7, 2009, and went into effect on July 1st of that same year. He always seemed to have his nose in a book, making reading his favorite pastime. Having just wrapped up his second semester in wind energy at Minnesota West Community and Technical College in Canby, Brandon Swanson gathered with his friends to celebrate. Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. Unfortunately, no one has been able to answer that for certain. Forty-seven minutes into the call, Swanson suddenly exclaimed: Oh, shit! Then there was silence. Eventually, the dogs pointed them to farm fields north of Porter. If Brandon was there, they would definitely be able to see him. Inside The Mysterious Disappearance Of Brandon Lawson, Who Vanished From A Highway In Texas Published March 29, 2022 Updated April 18, 2022 After Brandon Lawson ran out of gas in the dead of night on rural Route 277, he made a series of strange phone calls and was never seen again. At around 2 a.m. on the morning of May 14th, Swanson called his parents from his cellphone, informing them that he had accidentally driven his car into a ditch, essentially high-centering the vehicle. He asked his parents to meet him in the parking lot of a popular nightclub in Lynd. However, considering it was just under 40 degrees that night and he would have been freezing and soaking wet, he could have possibly died due to hypothermia. 5 talking about this. A Minnesota Tragedy. A 19 yr old makes a call to his parents after a crash and then disappears. In at least a couple of circumstances, that (problem) is still in existence, Anderson said. Join Facebook to connect with Brandon Swanson and others you may know. The Disappearance. The Yellow Medicine River has been the subject of extensive searches over the years, including excavation efforts in areas where the dogs have led law enforcement. His parents can hear it through the phone: click-click. Dental records and DNA are available for comparison, though fingerprints are not. This involves walking furrows in 15-20 foot increments which is quite energy intensive and time-consuming. He was seen drinking at both parties, but according to his friends, he didn't drink enough to become intoxicated, at least not overtly. Cruel? Then, at around 2:30 a.m., 47 minutes into the phone call, Brandon suddenly interrupts himself on the phone, exclaiming, Oh, s***! and goes silent for the remainder of the call. "I couldnt breathe, I was nauseous, and I think that was just my motherly instincts telling me hes gone," said Annette Swanson. A canine unit led law enforcement agents to the Yellow Medicine River, a roughly 3-mile trip from the location of his vehicle, indicating that Brandon Swanson had traveled on foot to the rushing spring water. An individual may have been driving home intoxicated and accidentally hit Brandon. A long stretch of road, and big open fields. CNN Justice, 1-3. A shining light on this tragedy is the passing of Brandons Law. As his parents were on their way to help, the cell phone connection went dead at 3:10 a.m. Kare 11 News. Yup, it definitely sounds like murder. Both Swanson and his parents had agreed to flash their headlights on and off in order to signal to each other. Cadaver dogs have indicated a scent in the area, which is evidence enough, Hasse stated, for the search to continue (The Search for Brandon blog). But the thing that really eliminates this for me is the phone call with his dad. Authorities say this theory is unlikely because they found absolutely no evidence of such an accident anywhere on the road, and Brandon even told his dad he was talking gravel road shortcuts and walking through farms. Im so sussed out that mans was so close to Porter after traveling for like 2 hours very intriguing. Immelman, A. Disappearance of Brandon Swanson. Nevertheless, drowning was the immediate fear, and so two miles of the river and the riverbank were thoroughly searched for 30 days. (Photo: AP). We were able to use the cellphone tower technology to have an idea of where his last communications or phone calls came from, so that put us on a cell tower up in that area, Wallen said. There were massive ground searches being conducted along with an aerial search of the fields. We dont know. The bloodhounds picked up a 3-mile scent trail that went along field roads to an abandoned farm, and then carried on along the Yellow Medicine River to a point where it seemed like Brandon entered the stream and then got back out. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. KSTP was there in May of 2008 as several agencies looked for Brandon. There are 206 bones in the body. Johns University in St. Joseph, Minnesota. (2008, May 20). The 19-year-old was uninjured. ? Brandon doesnt see any lights. Brandon Victor Swanson was born January 30th 1989 in Marshall Minnesota to mom Anette, and dad Brian. 38 Bobby Dalbec-3B Bos. Missing in Massachusetts: The Case of Neo Maximus AKA Charlie Allen Jr. The search had expanded tenfold now. Despite the fact that he had been drinking that night, his parents were adamant that he seemed perfectly lucid during their phone call. Suicide is the least plausible scenario because it is highly unusual for suicide victims to take measures that would prevent or delay the discovery of their remains (Seifert & Immelman, 2007). He had been out earlier that night and gone to a couple of parties before making his way home to Marshall, Minnesota. "It sounded like the phone fell, said Annette Swanson. Annette and Brian Swanson were there when it was signed by the Governor in 2009. He has not been seen or heard from since this incident. ", "Search management is a real soul-sucking job, said Hasse. Rural roads of Minnesota remain last known location of 19-year-old Brandon Swanson. Darrin E. Delzer, a volunteer firefighter at the time, brought up his own theory that perhaps Brandon slipped and fell into an unmarked well or reservoir. They broke down the search area into smaller segments and kept meticulous records. Its his right to be missing, one officer reportedly said to the worried parents. Nearly 100 years later, his descendants' DNA proved that the child reunited with the Dunbar family was not Bobby but rather a boy named Charles (Bruce) Anderson who resembled Bobby. So then the search was focused there, and the car was located.. David Francis, left, and Brandons father Brian Swanson at right with glasses. There are no known personal, economic, or social motives that plausibly may have driven someone to murder Brandon; however, there are individuals who murder strangers because of a deep-seated usually sexual fantasy. Star Tribune. They got a hold of Brandons cellphone records, which revealed something intriguing. Brian and Annette attempted to report their son missing that morning at 6:30 a.m., but because he was an adult, they did run into initial resistance. Now Minnesota BCA will review the case. If given the opportunity to move onto cattle property that has not yet been searched, Anderson said theyd be quick to accept that offer. Brandon got mixed up in direction and met a tragic accidental end, with his body lost in nature-. In the early weeks of the search in May and June 2008, land and air searches were conducted both by community volunteers and individuals from professional search organizations, but with no luck. There was nothing odd about it. No physical evidence in his case has been uncovered. "The Disappearance of Brandon Swanson," Youtuber, Dining With Death, October 20th, 2022, "Disappearance of Brandon Swanson," Wikipedia, "The Mysterious Disappearance Of Minnesota College Student Brandon Swanson," Neil Patmore, ati, November 25, 2022, "The Disappearance of Brandon Swanson," Christine, The True Crime Files, March 13, 2019. Brandons parents encourage him to honk his horn. It was their way of turning their intense grief, pain and frustration into something useful for other families in the future. On the afternoon of May 14, authorities located Brandons Chevy Lumina by tracing his cell phone calls to a tower northwest of Marshall. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. Apparently hed just drifted a little, but the curb was low, and try as he might on his own he just could not get his Chevy Lumina out of the ditch hed landed in. Sometimes multiple times a day even. Brian stayed on the phone with his son while he made his journey, and he was a little frustrated that Brandon kept walking through fields and other areas rather than sticking to the main road. Officers finally joined in the search efforts, but they still came up with nothing. He said most landowners are more than willing to make it work, as they're dedicated to their community and the Swanson family. Since then, KSTP has been working with families to raise awareness about other young people who are missing. This theory has been widely criticized, however, due to the fact that there is simply no evidence to suggest he died of hypothermia. That type of excavation took place again as recently as the fall of 2021. At most it gets to 15 feet, and if Brandon DID fall in the river, he easily could have made it out to the other side, just unable to leave a strong enough trail for the dogs being that hes wet and washed. Unsure of what else to do, they hung up and tried calling him again multiple times, each time getting no response. He had been out earlier that night and gone to a couple of parties before making his way home to Marshall, Minnesota. The most popular theory among authorities is that Brandon fell into the river. 36 Joey Votto Cin. Within the last year, the Sheriffs Office and BCA have received additional tips, although he points out that not all tips are new for investigators. 33 Wilmer Flores-2B/3B SF. However, authorities had no better luck finding Brandon or his car than Brian and Annette. Brandon was a 2007 high school graduate of Marshall Senior High School. Brian drove Anita home, and promised to meet Brandon in the parking lot of a bar at the edge of town. If he fell into the water along with his cellphone, all calls would have gone straight to voicemail. Birthday: 01/20/1989. He attended a small gathering at a house, where it is said that there was alcohol, however, Brandon did not appear to be drunk. Brandon told them he was somewhere on the road between Lynd and Marshall. Swanson's case remains unsolved. Brunswick, M. (2009, June 29). Retrieved Nov. 18, 2010, from http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/49466647.html. His last search was for Deb Hendrichs, 56, of Star, Idaho, who went missing on Jan. 11, 2021, in the Blue Mountains near Meacham, Ore., when her Toyota RAV-4 ran out of gas. They chatted as he walked and Brandon referenced fences in his way, and the sound of running water as he continued walking toward the lights of Lynd. Yet those tips havent led to the break in the case investigators have been hoping for. It was a cold night. One popular theory is that he was the victim of a hit and run and someone hid his body. One speculation is that maybe Brandon took side roads home in an effort to avoid any police traps where he may have been pulled over, which would have led him into less familiar territory than his normal road to school. The spring semester had just come to an end and on the night of May 13th, 2008, Swanson attended two different parties to celebrate. Once again, Brain remained on the line with Brandon, who was walking towards town; this call began at 2:23 a.m. and would be the last contact between father and son. St. Up and down side roads and gravel paths, and even the bar in Lynd. Searchers work an area just west of Taunton along Highway 68 and to the north, June 21-22, 2008. Citing the emotional toll of their sons disappearance and the accompanying difficulty of the holiday season Brian Swanson and Annette Swanson chose not to comment for this story. (2004, November 9). Brian began flashing the lights of his pickup truck and instructed Brandon to do the same. Brandon Swanson said he could see lights in the distance, which he believed were coming from the town of Lynd. . There was nothing amiss with the car, and because the surrounding area was full of grass and gravel, there were no footprints and no way to tell which direction Brandon may have gone. Brandon had big plans for the upcoming school year and was looking forward to attending Iowa Western College over 250 miles away. (LogOut/ He wasn't injured in the crash. Brandon Swanson was 19 years old when he went missing in the state of Minnesota. Porter is located roughly six miles from where Brandon Swanson's vehicle was discovered. She was witnessed that night by several motorists walking along the highway, but when one of them tried to talk to her, she ran into the nearby woods. He remains missing. Brian drops Annette off back at home and makes the drive to his son, staying on the phone with him the entire time. You can find out more about the organization here. "We believe that he got disoriented, said Hasse. Posted on October 13, 2021 Tarot of the Missing. The early morning search turned up nothing and at 6:30 a.m. on May 14 Annette Swanson contacted the Lyon County Sheriffs Department for assistance. Both of his parents state Brandon sounded clear-headed and coherent when they were on the phone with him, and he had no history of mental illness or mental disorder. Search, Rescue and Recovery Resources of Minnesota is a source of information about a wide variety of established organizations that exist to provide search, rescue and recovery services. At around 1:45 a.m., Brian Swanson and Annette Swanson received a phone call from their son indicating his Chevrolet Lumina had veered into a ditch. Unfortunately, on the way home, he ran into a bit of car trouble when his car veered a bit off the side of a gravel road and got stuck in a ditch. When Emergency Support Services initially took over the majority of search efforts for Brandon Swanson in late 2008, they ran into the issue of landowner permission, particularly among cattle farmers who took issue with search canines present on their property. While sympathetic to the concerns of cattle farmers, Anderson acknowledges it still leaves holes in a search that has received the dedication of many. A strange phenomenon keeps occurring where young men go missing from their cars and then seem to vanish into thin air. Still on the phone with their son they say ok, were going to flash out lights, can you see us? It's a complication they're still trying to solve today. The major question that lingers on everyone's mind who hears his story . According to them, it was not uncommon for a nineteen-year-old to stay out all night after finishing classes. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. It happened in 2008 to Brandon Swanson, 2020 To Jason Landry, and 2021 to Daniel Robinson. Brandon Swanson was last seen in the early hours of May 14, 2008 leaving a friends house in Canby, Minn. His destination was just 35 miles away a straight shot to his Marshall, Minn. home. Listen to this episode to hear what happened leading up to the accident, his phone calls with his parents and the investigation that ensued after. Naturally curly Brown hair, blue eyes. Dont you see me? he asked his parents, exasperated. It is also not likely Brandon drowned because it was reported that until May 16, 2008 Brandons cell phone remained turned on. Brandon Swanson's Disappearance Notes: Image: Brandon Swanson Missing Person poster (FBI) "Born on January 30, 1989, in Marshall, Minnesota, Brandon Swanson was a 19-year-old college student who was enrolled in a wind turbine program at Minnesota West Community and Technical College in Canby. Its the same case police have been studying for nearly four decades: the unsolved murder of Kathy Kolodziej. Brandon Swanson vanished from his vehicle after a small accident just before 2am on May 14, 2008 near Canby, MN. The problem is that as time goes on, it becomes much more complicated to fulfill the search because you need to have canines that have experience in aged scent, Anderson said. Early Life On January 30, 1989, he was born in Marshall, the seat of Lyon County in southwestern Minnesota. "The Mysterious Disappearance Of Minnesota College Student Brandon Swanson,". TW: graphic contentBrandon Swanson: Missing Horror, suspense, weirdness, ghost, UFO - Zassh. In May of 2008 Brandon Swanson went missing after driving his car off the road into a ditch. Bloodhound search and rescue dogs were brought in to track Brandons scent from his car. Photo. Brandon Lawson 911 call depicted last moments before he went missing Around 11:30 p.m. Aug. 8, Lawson called his father and mentioned he was heading to his parents' house in Crowley, about 3. It is possible a possible hit-and-run driver panicked and in fear of going to prison took and disposed of Brandons body to avoid detection. Brian goes back to Annette so they can start looking for their son together. It seems that every tip that we receive, we investigate and we run into a dead end, he said. Brandon Swanson. I want to add a few more speculative points that I think aid this theory, though please remember that theory is not evidence! The USA and similar big nations have all . Brandon grew impatient while waiting for his parents to find the right spot. An investigation must also be done to determine what that persons status is. They call him back and tell him to keep an eye out for them. He would start walking in the direction of the lights. This would have meant going out on his own for the first time, but he was really excited about the opportunities to further his life and education. One positive thing that came out of Brandons disappearance is "Brandons Law.". Brandon was legally blind from his left eye and had left his glasses in the car the night he disappeared, so he could have missed something in his peripheral, causing him to shout that expletive and fall. Brandon Swanson. Despite being surrounded by wide open fields, they see nothing at all, which does not add up. Once the search finally did begin, it was an extensive one, covering both the land and the Yellow Medicine River, the latter of which some speculated that Swanson might have fallen into and drowned. The trail with the river lined up with Brandon hearing running water nearby. Distinguishing characteristics for Brandon include Caucasian male. Brandon was frustrated that his parents obviously were in the wrong spot, Brandons parents were frustrated that he obviously must have given him the wrong location, and tensions are high out here in the middle of the night. And the law makes it clear who has jurisdiction. Still, he admits that the farming terrain has provided unique obstacles to this particular search. However, local police initially didnt take their concerns seriously, stating that it wasnt at all unusual for a young man his age to stay out all night and advising them to just be patient and wait for him to return on his own. He has pierced ears and a small scar above his left eye. Despite circumstantial evidence pointing to his stepmother, the case remains unsolved. Click-click. The law is named after Brandon Swanson, whose car got stuck in a ditch near Taunton along the Lincoln and Lyon county line in southwest Minnesota on May 14, 2008. Brandons Law to the rescue. There was no way to miss each other so what was going on. When an individual dies and the cause of death is unknown or uncertain, investigators employ the psychological autopsy, or equivocal death analysis. To know you were running away to start a secret new life and to keep your dad on the phone for an hour while you fake your incident seems. En route, he crashed into a ditch. At the time of his disappearance Brandon was 19 years old, 5'6" and 120 lbs. But when they didnt answer, he had no choice but to call his Dad at about 1:54 am to come assist him. In the 1920s, a lawman in North Dakota had a dark secret - He was Al Capones brother, Amid a night of costumed Halloween revelry, a man found beaten to death, Police deemed Refugio Rodriguez's death a suicide, not a murder. Its searching. If anyone has any information about Brandon . Brandon had been partying and drinking that night, but many witnesses have confirmed that he was not visibly intoxicated or incoherent in any way. At the rivers edge, the dogs lost Brandons scent, indicating he may have gone in the water. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); https://medium.com/the-shadow/vanished-in-the-dark-where-is-brandon-swanson-d5d99bfde9a7 , https://charleyproject.org/case/brandon-victor-swanson, https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/5185dmmn.html, https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/2471?nav, https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vicap/missing-persons/brandon-victor-swanson, Murdered in Kansas: The Case of AlonzoBrooks, Murdered in Kansas: The Case of Alonzo Brooks, Missing in Minnesota: The Case of Brandon Swanson, Murdered in DC: The Case of the Freeway Phantom, Unsolved in California: The Case of the Keddie Cabin Murders. However, later that day cell phone records showed Brandon was near Porter, Minnesota, not Lynd, when he phoned his parents. Gravel rural roads are not illuminated with street lights and visibility is poor. To try and help his parents out, Brandon decides to try flashing his headlights instead. . It was a straight shot down Highway 68, so what was different that night? I have also heard rumors, though nothing to verify, that there may have been a bowl in his car- a cannabis pipe. For unknown reasons, he left his glasses in his car that night. The family was very close, including his younger sister, and by all accounts Brandon was a loving brother and son. Change). And you cant find it. Thanks to the Crawlspace podcast, which interviewed Kyle Lawson, we now have a lot more details than we did when Brandon first went missing. Is Minnesota missing am to come assist him after realizing the seriousness the... Agreed to flash their headlights on and off in order to signal to other..., we investigate and we run into a dead end, with his cellphone, all calls would have straight! Joined the search later that day cell phone records showed Brandon was a loving brother and son choice... 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