aang comes back to life fanfiction

Had she not died, Rin could have become a truly fearsome kunoichi if she had gotten the time and the right kind of training. Katara let out a chocked gasp and arched her body so far off the ground that Aang was worried for a moment that she had hurt her back. Laisser une rponse . Aang: He's my friend. And the only way to do that is to turn their dysfunctional dynamic into something resembling a team. Okay, so Kushina-san was a loser once. Its probably because Gai got a chance to fight Kakashi after becoming a genin before he did. Oh please, Sokka. Aang, more! They work well together as a team, but I can tell that theyre not really making as much of an effort with Gai as they should.. He strolled through the market, looking for some of Suki's favorite craving foods when the man at the store next to him suddenly began to foam up at the mouth and passed out, to the amusement of the entire street. Aang, what are you?. I asked you both here to embark on a very serious mission, Sarutobi-sensei starts. Work Search: While she did a pretty good job of hiding her pain, Aang could still tell that she was uncomfortable. Katara's world is twisted upside down when the new Fire Lord comes into her home demanding for her hand in marriage. Are you three Jiraiya-samas students? Recent developments in the war, or rather revelations about the war have recently come to light. And there's no way we can get to the nearest town on time, even with Appa. Obito and Rin had known each other since they were five years old, ever since that first day in the academy when lonely, insecure Obito had forgotten his academy papers and Rin had collected it for him in her usual kind, gentle way. Use any jutsu you want., Obitos hackles rise at that. Im going to beat him after all! It should work as intended now, Minato-sensei says anxiously, taking his arm off his shoulder. Spin off from Us Completed avater taang avatarthelastairbender +2 more # 2 Gradual Changes by Multi-Verse 20.2K 475 53 Four years ago Toph Bei Fong made her first friend in a strange bald kid who moved away shortly after. You do a disservice to Gai if you think of him as a threat to Rin., Obito shuffles at his feet. Sarutobi-senseis face crumples slightly at that. Both of you are ganging up on me. At the same time, Appa was also spotted by a number of Aang's old Kyoshi fangirls. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. Aang shifted their positions until he was hovering over her, his hips nestled comfortably between her thighs. As for her training, I think genjutsu and offensive medical jutsu is the way to go. Also, I think I'm going to include songs that I've heard that inspired the chapters/scenes while I was writing them, so if you're intrigued/interested, check those out :). Kushina looks calm, her eyes brimming with confidence. She had never felt him touch her so intimately. Post-DH, Pre-Epilogue. YIP YIP! But there's something about developing a high-risk, experimental seal together that bonds people together for life, Kakashi thinks. As you all know, a group of Iwagakure shinobi intercepted Sakumos teammates, Sakumo saved his teammates at the expense of the mission, as a result of which Iwagakure declared the war. He carefully checked to make sure the cloth was not tied on too tight since cutting off blood flow to the area would only make it worse. Oh, let me introduce myself. What the fuck indeed, Konan thinks. Sorry. Aang said, grimacing painfully as he sat down next to her, hopefully in such a way that she wouldn't notice how aroused he was. Theres a flash of pain in Nagatos eyes at that; hes probably remembering his parents. But thinking about Rin in such a situation just curdles his insides; its too painful to consider. The war is still inevitable; that much was set in stone the day Hatake Sakumo abandoned his mission but the sudden decline in skirmishes correlated to only one other thing: Danzos death. Kakashi was secretly discharged from his apprenticeship under Minato-sensei about three months ago. Did it bite you?, Katara nodded. Kaida and Aang never wanted to be the destined Avatars. Youve got that angsty-Im-from-the-future look again, kiddo, she says sympathetically. Katara He whispered. For a moment, the silver-haired boy looks shocked and surprised at their presence before schooling his expression to a more neutral one. Kagome and the Pirate Captain, The Silver Hanyou. I love you, and I want you. Look at me. He ordered. It isnt enough that Rin has a thing for Kakashi; its obvious Gai adores Kakashi despite all his bluster about rivalry. After all, I warned you about Danzo and Root as soon as he tried to recruit me. ATLA third season rewrite/reimagining -- to me, the characters from this series are beautifully crafted. Orochimaru would have come with them but Jiraiya is supposed to arrive soon, and they need to talk about whatever team baggage theyre still holding onto. Katara was suddenly worried that she had hurt him. His erection strained painfully against his underwear and pants. Its interesting that you know where Kakashi hangs around in the village, Obito. I love you. Katara whispered against his mouth, feeling content, but very tired at the same time. Kakashi knows it wont be enough for something as chakra intensive as say, Kamui, if he still had it. Theyve been getting weird looks from all the villagers too, every time they dare to spend time together in a public place. You know I have a girlfriend right, Obito? Minato-sensei asks him contemplatively. Katara, what happened? It has been a week now since Minato-sensei was put in charge of Team Minato. That would help out a lot, Minato-sensei tells her gratefully. Upon Aang's decision to create Republic City, he was met with disapproval from Roku. I have for a long time.. What the hell was that? Kushina asks bluntly. While she trusts Jiraiya-sensei, Konan still hasnt forgotten Konohas role in ravaging their homeland, and from what she knows, Kages tend to be completely ruthless. Will you marry me? Aang asked suddenly. The brat learns quickly, Orochimaru acknowledges grudgingly over the background noise of Minato-sensei whining at Kushina to stop teasing him. You were saying,, Minato-sensei gives him a knowing look and sighs in a way that says I know youre being angsty but Im going to ignore it for now because youre impossible., I was saying Obitos taijutsu could use some work. I dont think I ever told you this but when the initial skirmishes broke out between Konoha and Iwagakure, it took us all aback. Oh Spirits, Katara you feel so good!. I'm so sorry, Katara. Only the Avatars, masters of all four elements, could restore balance to the world. I love you too, Katara. Aang whispered, leaning in and kissing her. But Aang didn't mind, in fact, that is what he needed. Jiraiya is so grateful that hed managed to get them out of Ame in time. Im not going to force her to, Orochimaru interrupts bluntly. Sokka rolled his eyes. Kakashi smiles at the shocked faces of Kushina, Minato-sensei, and a slightly disgruntled Orochimaru. Then, using a combination of the last of his tunic, Waterbending, and Firebending, he created a hot compress to draw the rest of the venom out, and tied it to her leg. You're amazing.. Katara, what's wrong? He slid to a halt when he was about five feet away from her. In flashbacks during episodes of Korra, adult Aang can be spotted going in and out of the avatar state at will, particularly during backstory of the plot involving bloodbenders. Aang began to rush over. "Where's Toph?" "She's still in the city. Three years of bliss, joy, sorrow, pain, anger, and arguments later, and they were still together, and a much stronger couple now. I think you and I need to have a talk.. Its obvious that Minato-sensei thinks Kushina-san is the entire world and stars, more important than anything else, even more important than Konoha. It looked a lot better now. I think I accidently sat on it, and it bit me. His devil of a sensei is sitting on a tree stump. I went pretty easy on you by making you do only ten laps around the village, Minato-sensei says, still smiling. Oh man, Kakashi, I cant believe anyone thinks this guy is cool, Kushina laughs. Aang smiled down at her, and kissed her again. It was him. It started way back in the academy when everything seemed to come so easy to Kakashi while Obito had to struggle and fail to even hit a shuriken right. (Companion piece to a thousand little faces but can be read as a standalone). most expensive lord of the rings trading cards / aang comes back to life fanfiction. Theyre in Orochimarus lab. They settled down on Kyoshi Island, and the last Aang had heard, Suki was expecting another child. Maybe there is a chance here that he can forge his own path. Gotta go. So, all in all, Kakashi feels hopeful. He paused, wondering what else he needed. She had been offered what she called a `very sweet deal' to join the Earth Kingdom's military to whip their Earthbenders into shape. Still, its nice with just the three of them too, him, Minato-sensei, and Kushina. She might look gentle but she has a very strong will, Kakashi concludes. He said there was no way the academy would let me graduate if I couldnt even break out of a basic genjutsu, Gai says sheepishly. We never saw the excuse Iwagakure used for the war coming at all. ** Rated M for sexual content and dark material. So, when they realize that embracing their destiny will reunite the elements, they push themselves to the limit to restore peace. I couldn't lose you. I thought Id done a good thing but Kushina wasnt happy about that at all. or. He quickly hurried over to their supplies and grabbed some oil and a small cup. Its going well, Kushina-san. Hey, don't you want to hold my son too, Mister Avatar?, Aang blinked in surprise. Mai: Come here. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. You can kill Jiraiya later, Uzumaki. Obito scowls. Read to find out! Jiraiya can admit that Sarutobi-sensei probably sees it that way. Why yes, Kakashi was my apprentice. She whimpered as he fully seated himself inside her. Prologue While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ahh Katara-ahhh! Aang moaned, drawing out the last syllable of her name in pleasure. Obitos head swivels up at that. Obito has no idea how Minato-sensei manages to smile in a way that can charm forest animals while also being terrifying at the same time. remember when I said this series was over? Obito nods. as well as You took care of the worst. Katara said. Aang inspected the bite once again. Orochimaru rolls his eyes. Sokka and Suki had one day, out of the blue, announced that they would be settling down on Kyoshi Island. She tasted heavenly! Since you just got the seal, take it easy with training for the next two weeks, Minato-sensei says sternly. Yet, when the world needed them most they vanished. Otherwise, well, theyd be repeating a tragedy. I refuse to drag Tsunade back. Her crystal blue eyes were filled with love and lust, a gaze that Aang found more intoxicating than any alcohol that Sokka had talked him into drinking. Jiraiya-sensei starts sweating. Katara moved her hands down his back until she came to his pants, slowly pushing them down along with his underwear. left kudos on this work! He knew that, without first aid, the venom could be deadly. Minato-sensei and Kushinas guards around Orochimaru seemed to have dropped completely. Curled up near Katara's leg was a large rat-viper, hissing angrily, and posed to strike. When she began trembling, he moved on from the little bump and went back to exploring. Hes in fine hands. A large Earth structure would keep him dry and smelling normally. Also, once your body has reached its maximum potential, the seal will disappear. She cried out with wild passion as her inner muscles clamped down on him, and sent Aang spiraling into ecstasy right after her. It it was nothing. Eight years after Sozins Comet, everyones lives have begun to take shape, their responsibilities pulling them further and further apart. But, unlike the others, Aang had no fear of Katara leaving him. In her heart she felt a strong desire to save them. Woohoo! The pleasure caused by that act took her mind off the pain of their lovemaking, and she instantly became more responsive and vocal. Minato was asking you something., Oh right, sorry sensei. In which Hina is romanced, Aang is utterly whipped, and many milestones are achieved, or: the courtship of Hina Oyama and Avatar Aang. Though, judging by, Yes, I am enjoying it. Aang admitted. I have two goals: to stay by Kushinas side forever and become Hokage.. Their eye contact was only broken when they kissed passionately or pleasure tore through their bodies. And she went from loser to badass, apparently. Aang had stared down at the child in amazement. Zuko wants to make the world right after his father's rule and fails along the way. His heart feels big and bright in his chest, like its finally feeling warm sunshine and bright red happiness after a lifetime of hiding away in the dark. So, how was your run? It had started to storm outside, but neither of the lovers inside the Earth tent took any notice. Aang got the non-verbal message and pressed his fingers into her covered womanhood without any further prompting. And he knows just the kind of jutsu that suits Kakashi. What follows is a pretty one-sided battle honestly, much to Obitos anger and discomfort. Three years after losing the war, a bitter and cynical Aang is told by the Avatar spirits that he has to relive his adventures - this time, with Zuko and Azula at his side in a war against the Water Tribes. If Rin herself is okay with it. Medical seals huh? Kushina says thoughtfully, interrupting his musings. Great. Don't stop! As a result, Aang spiritually disconnected from him, claiming the world had changed too much for Roku to guide him any longer. You damn nerds are all the same., It could be worse, Kakashi interjects dryly. Good thing shes got an airbender soulmate with just as many crazy abilities by her side. He quickly hurried over to their supplies and grabbed some oil and a small cup. He kissed her passionately as she raked her fingers across his back and he carefully traced her womanhood, wanting to familiarize himself with her body before attempting to take her. It's not that they didn't want to have sex; it's just that there was no time between constant traveling and diplomatic meetings. It took him a few seconds to find the little bump that seemed to cause her the most pleasure, but when he found it again, he carefully set to work on giving her as much pleasure as possible. In hindsight, it had led people to place trust in him that hadnt been deserved. Hes gotten used to using the kodachi too, unconsciously shifting into kenjutsu katas where he struggled before. Katara, are you all right?, Katara was still gasping for breath, clutching at Aang's shoulders desperately. He settled down next to her, pulling her naked back against his chest, and covering them both with a blanket. The last three years have been broken up with infrequent and hurried meetings and get togethers, but by happenstance, things play out a little differently for the eighth anniversary of the End of War. Ill fix it right away!. Her pants were off, leaving her only in her customary white underwear. However, his brain quickly shut down when Aang reappeared. He moved his hand down in between their straining bodies to where they were connected. Yosh! Go home and pack enough clothing and supplies to last a year. He wanted to know Kakashis secret, so he started following him around. It has, Sarutobi-sensei admits. Rat-vipers were very venomous. Aang, you are the Air Nomad culture now. Katara said. I'm sorry. Aang said. Katara leaned against his chest. Those kids, despite having gone through so much during war, are incredibly nave. Perhaps if he had been raised normally, he would know how to approach a girl that he wanted to make love to. Katara, please, Rat-vipers are deadly! Katara moaned against his mouth as she continued to stroke his manhood. Konans eyes narrow. 100 years ago, Kuzon and Hotaru, two of the friends Aang left behind, learn of Fire Lord Sozin's plans to wipe out the Air Nomads and launch a desperate effort to save them, but with only a handful of survivors and the Fire Nation gearing up to advance against the Earth Kingdom, stopping the war will be far more difficult than anyone bargained for, especially with the Avatar still missing. After all, most snakes were perfectly content not to harm someone, and only bit when they felt threatened. Please, more! Katara begged. This story is for the characters we love who deserved more: for Toph, for Zutara, for Tyzula, and for Aang, who's spiritual and ethical considerations deserve more attention and validation. Aang's return Chapter 1, an Avatar: Last Airbender + Legend of Korra Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Follow/Fav Aang's return By: AvatarLizzy AU where in the battle with Unalock Jinora and Korra accidentally brought Aang to life and he ended up appearing back in the south pole. All he wanted to do was get outside and take a long swim in the closest river, even though they would be freezing at this time of year. Its not that, Sarutobi-sensei sighs. This is where you come in.. The answer to that mystery came nine months later when Suki gave birth to Sokka's child. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Thinking quickly, Aang used an Airbending move to toss the snake away into the bushes, hoping that it would continue on its way. Katara tried to twist around to look at him, but found that she couldn't because of the way he was holding her. And Konan! And Obito will never, even under the threat of death, ever say this out loud but it is kind of disappointing that he wont get to see Kakashi around the village as much. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. Onoki was far more inclined to peace after the second shinobi war, possibly fearing the wrath of the Uchiha due to lingering trauma from facing Uchiha Madara. He looks at the womans long, flowing red hair and theres something like longing in his eyes. Normally, it was unnecessary, but from the look of the grey skies, it was going to rain this evening. Aang: Sorry Sokka. About two minutes later, Sokka spotted the massive form of Aang's Sky Bison, Appa. Katara moaned breathlessly as she gazed up into the eyes of the man she loved, glazed over with passion and lust. Reads 17,324. She just she just sounded like she was, She half-turned to face him, and she noticed for the first time that he wasn't wearing his tunic. 8. while the days slipped by from my window watchin He noticed the shocked looks that Sokka and the townspeople were sending him. But it could help him use Hiraishin and other high calibre lightning jutsu more effectively. "Just do what we do with Bumi, raise them. Kuri was born without a soul. There are so many things Jiraiya wants to say in response, like Why did you let Sakumo take the blame for the war?, Why didnt you take out Danzo sooner when you knew he was a traitor?, or Why didnt you do something about Root after his death?. 3. the seeds of change were planted Those are the four elements. Aang visits Katara and Sokka in the South Pole for the first time in months, only to bring some startling and unfortunate news.Back in the Fire Nation, Zuko is driving himself mad from exhaustion, the stress of assassination attempts and the attempts of his council to dethrone him aren't letting him sleep. Katara's moans turned into passionate screams as she felt her orgasm building up once again. He should have realized. Theres no real reason for him to look that shocked since theyve never met before. Danzo, Orochimaru hisses out. What will she do in this new found environment. When she wasn't bathing with other women of her tribe, she used her private time to explore her body. He was overcome with an impulse, and since his higher brain functions had been shut down, he went with it. Do you think Rin is weak, Obito? Minato-sensei asks him as they watch Gai help Rin up. Her stomach was round with child! 2. killing the past (and coming back to life) Its nice; Kakashi had similar nights in his previous life but he hopes hes allowed to actually keep it this time. Thats not fair, sensei! Of course, it was great to kiss her, and Katara got even more aroused as she tasted herself on his lips. Never, Katara, never. Aang breathed harshly. Both Yahiko and Nagato seem relaxed here; Yahikos eating his ramen with gumption as Nagato looks around the ramen shop in quiet wonder. He set her inside and propped up her back so that she could sit up. Katara couldn't help but glance down between their bodies. Hey, Teuchi-san! Super Howl Dancing Flash Spiral of Wind, Kushina snickers. In fact, she was mad at me for months. I would want nothing more than to have your children, Aang. Katara whispered. Kushinas eyebrow twitches. You're a life saver! He knew that when Suki gave birth to his first child, Aang and Katara had arrived just hours before the baby was born, though that was Sokka's fault. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver She thought I felt like she couldnt handle herself, that by trying to protect her I believed she was weak, Minato-sensei says fondly, probably remembering his old academy days. Several moments later, his tattoos stopped glowing and Aang collapsed down against her sweat-dampened chest, both of them gasping for breath. Isolate the venom. What they didn't know until much later, however, was that there was more than one person who survived that that storm. But she gasped out loud when Aang suddenly gripped the sides of her head and gently adjusted her face until they were nose to nose. 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aang comes back to life fanfiction