pros and cons of being an independent voter

Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is not one of them. 5 Attitudes That Keep People Single And Relationships Short, 7 Ways To Destroy Your Friendships and Key Relationships, 7 Reasons You Should Consider Dating A Friend. While there isn't any data (that I've seen) showing "an advantage" of registering Independents rather than of the two major parties, the way you engage them as a voter is highly correlated with their long-term engagement with the political process. When youre starting, apply to agencies that can connect you with contract work. HuffPost's top politics stories, straight to your inbox. I'm registered currently as an independent. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. And that's a major problem. You shouldnt be goaded into voting for someone who you dont believe supports your politics. The Search Committ, Mimi Gina: PDX alt drag icon An unscientific observation: New Yorkers who are concerned about being disenfranchised by voter roll problems and by the closed primary system appear to be more likely to be Bernie Sanders supporters. Ive worked on a number of software development projects in a number of different organizations state and federal government agencies, larger companies, and even those smaller projects on the side. What are the obligations/duties of "a Democrat" vs an independent? Progressives and independents are told a vote for the third party is a vote for Trump, or any other Republican or majority candidate. But is being independent as good as its cracked out to be? Yes, a two-party system can be divisive, but it can also allow people (non-Independents) to find their voice in a political community. Glad you enjoyed reading through and hope you had enough coffee to go with it. As for dedicated materials on being suspicious of large groups or organisations, I cant think of much but I have seen some considerations on isolation and connection from Brene Brown and Doctors Caroline Leaf and Henry Cloud, maybe they have something that might help? If you're considering pursuing being an occupational therapist, here are benefits: Job security My brother actually identifies with the Green party (even though hes only eleven and doesnt know much of anything), and I try to tell him that he wont be politically relevant! Most people have considered striking out on their own at some point in their career. While employers don't need to pay taxes and social contributions, the duty thus falls on the contractor. Maybe youve had to be the emotionally strong one because there hasnt been anyone else to do it for you. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. Maybe you had to learn to cook at a younger age because someone else wasnt able to do it for you. Theres something calming and uplifting in your analyses. Here are some pros and cons of working as an entrepreneur: Pros of being an entrepreneur If you want to be an entrepreneur, here are a few pros to consider: 1. Massive voter fraud stems from the independents ;), There's the old Chicago saying, "Vote Early, Vote Often.". But in Arizona's Maricopa County -- home to Phoenix, the state capital -- the lines to vote were so long that many people say it amounted to voter suppression. Are there any other pros to being independent? Earlier we discussed some of the benefits of working as an independent contractor, like setting your own hours and making your own rules. Its just taking away a vote against the worse of two evils of Republican or Democrat that are running in their point of view. . Workers are generally considered independent contractors when: Some states like California impose more stringent requirements for classifying workers as independent contractors, and lawmakers at the state and federal levels change or add new tests from time to time. This article was written by Holly Epstein Ojalvo and originally appeared on Kicker. Example: an employee for 50 reservations instead of 10 is more profitable. Political parties are able to draw on resources, financial . You have an attitude towards the friends you make, but you havent invited in any other voices to give you the real truth about how you treat other people. Colorado's more than 1 million officially unaffiliated voters now outnumber Republicans and Democrats in the state. Catalonia has different cultural priorities than Spain. Independently decide if you really want to continue with Governor Bentley and have your children be last in education among the states. But their name doesn't sound right-wing -- it sounds independent. On D side, we have Clinton (and not Jessie Jackson) and Gore (and not Dean). Ultimately, this system of government has its pros and cons. "As a 14-year registered Democrat and 1-year registered Republican, the only advantage I see as registering as an independent is that you don't get bombarded by phone calls and mailers when it comes time for the Primary." If, for example, a majority of the voting population are registered to a candidate's party, they'll more likely consider your vote as "in the bag" without working hard to earn it. The confusion plus the weird registration problems plus the fact that only registered Dems and Repubs can vote in the primary equals 3 million New Yorkers being unregistered with either major party. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. At some point in our lives, many of us dream of breaking the shackles of employment and becoming our own boss. Maryland is safely a Democratic leaning state, with the last time going to a Republican was in 1988, giving its 10 electoral votes to Bush. Being an independent contractor has its advantages over being an employee. Please reference the Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your state. "Estimated Taxes. What I like about this attitude is that you take responsibility for your own wellbeing. When Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the 2020 United States Presidential Race on April 8, the fallout was palpable, especially among those who identify as independent. As always, Id like to consider this issue from both sides and have a look at the merits on both sides of the argument. You can vote for whoever you want to. I sort of would rather stay independent, both because it's more honest and because I kind of prefer not to have the moral obligation of participating in primaries, since I generally hate all politics and view political debates as an exercise in saying nothing as prettily as possible. Politics are not black and whiteelections shouldnt just be about blue versus red, left versus right, Democrats versus Republicansbut about how much we as people are willing to put forward change in this country. The most successful independent contractors are people who are constantly on the go and take on different projects. But if we really want to be world changers, were not going to be able to do it alone. An interview with the, Two finalists remain in PSU Presidential Search Opinion: Ann Cudd for President Why should they have to vote for anyone? A voter should not have to feel that way. The website is a bit of a rabbit hole frankly just took me 1.5 hrs to drink a coffee reading your articles. Voting has become a toxic act where people are told, if you dont vote for our candidate, you dont belong to our party. Why should people have to vote for someone they dont believe in and dont support? Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Because they didn't register in time. Because that's what this race is truly about. Key Takeaways. Once you've determined the amount of tax you owe, you can send your payment to the IRS by mail or by making your payment electronically on the IRS website. However, usually if no one else has been interacting with you or looking at your work, you may be completely ambivalent to the things youre not doing right. Regardless of the label, all are essentially the same in practice, including a self-employed designation when it comes to U.S. tax purposes. I had thought at one time that independents represented the swing vote either side needed to win, and as the 'king maker' in elections we would thus be the ones that had to be courted and listen to by politicians. The IRS provides Form 1040 ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals, to help you determine if you are required to pay quarterly taxes and the amount you should pay. Here are the basic pros and cons of becoming an independent contractor.#. When youre used to playing for one, it didnt matter as much, but if you want to grow and learn to be a team player in any area of life, youre going to need to invite the right feedback in to your life and not be so set on your way of doing life. Open new opportunities for you to try - different and new things that you are being hindered when you are in your parents' house. Pro #1: It usually means you can take of yourself I think it's great that we learn to stand on our own two feet. People looked up to Sanders because he advocated change. Christians in Politics believes that wherever possible, membership of a political party is not only the most effective way to bring about positive change in society, but also enables the parties themselves to be challenged on issues with which we may disagree and undoubtedly this will involve building relationships with those who may not agree with us. If you're not the most self-driven person, then being responsible for your own schedule may be somewhat detrimental. People say that if you want something done right, do it yourself. Theres a reason why more and more people have shifted over to being registered as an independent voter in the wake of the last several elections. Here are some pros and cons to consider if you want to become an occupational therapist: Pros Occupational therapy is a rewarding career that offers significant benefits for those who enjoy helping others. But both tend to have lower voting turnout than the average voter, particularly in Mid-term elections. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you're the adventurous, entrepreneurial type, then working as an independent contractor might be a greatcareer choice for you. And yes, vote early, vote often. They do not have an affiliation so they are forced to do research on the candidates to see which one they like better. You'll also find a bevy of resources on the U.S. Small Business Administration's website. R primaries selected Romney, McCain, and Reagan, not Cain, Keyes/Huckabee or Robertson. Lately I feel that isn't the case. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Independent voters in numerous states are struggling with the system. Voting has become a toxic act where people are told, if you dont vote for our candidate, you dont belong to our party. Why should people have to vote for someone they dont believe in and dont support? Even if I choose to support a Republican candidate, I have no chance at all of changing the outcome of my states final vote. Because people wont vote for the third party. Which States Use an Open Primary Election?. I think part of the reason we see it that way is because the option of being co-dependent doesnt seem to be a healthy thing in our mind. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. You'll have complete control over: How your agency operates. Do you think its a good thing or a bad thing? The drawbacks to being an independent contractor include more responsibility. , 21 Nov. 2017, Become an Independent Voter at Your Own Risk.. Advantages of being an independent contractor over being an employee include more control since you're your own boss. So a group called Election Justice USA filed an emergency lawsuit. If you are Republican, you don't have to choose between being a regular or Tea Party Republican. In so doing, they are aiming to influence the political agenda and to change the conversation in the public square to include those issues that matter to people in their constituencies. If you're not registered either Democrat or Republican, you might be having a tough time voting. A lot of people get so caught up in their party, they forget to remember what the party stands for and end up blindly voting for whoever sits in their party. Again anecdotally, the independent vote in Florida tends to either lean Libertarian, or strongly leftist-progressive. Dear Editor, Triangle Productions presentsMe & Tammy Flexibility. Your email address will not be published. Therefore feeling disenfranchised (denied of their right to vote). So be real, most people haven't been to Comicon and don't even HAVE 13 costumes. "Fact Sheet 13: Employment Relationship Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

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pros and cons of being an independent voter